Year 1 - Chapter 2

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It had been a week since we had been to Diagon Alley and today was the day we went to Hogwarts. I had already gotten ready and was sitting in my bed thinking about the upcoming year. I had decided to wear a simple outfit which was black jeans and boots with a white shirt and green jacket. There was a knock on my door and I turned to see it was my brother. "Hey Y/n/n. You ready to go?" I nodded my head and grabbed my trunk to follow him downstairs.

Once I got downstairs I made my way to the kitchen to eat breakfast one last time with my family. Joshua was having a conversation with my father while my mother talked to a house elf. We ate our breakfast together and made our way over to our front door. Since we had to go to King's Cross in order to get to the train we had to travel by car instead of floo powder. Once in the car both my brothers decided to take a nap while my parents quietly talked. I stared out the window thinking of everything that could happen. We were going to meet Adrian on the platform so I knew I wasn't going to be alone. 

The car ride lasted around an hour before we finally made it to the station. We neared the platform 9 3/4 with our trolley's and saw other families going into the platform. We all went in one by one through the wall and saw what was expected. A very nice looking train that was labeled "Hogwarts Express". Families were departing and saying their goodbyes. Students were reuniting with their friends or hiding behind their parents. My family and I walked closer towards the train and I was able to see Adrian with his parents. After our families said their greetings we went towards the back of the train to put our trunks in the train. Once we were done it was time to say goodbye. 

"Now kids we won't see you all until winter break so please stay out of trouble and stay together." Mother said as she hugged all of us. She turned to say goodbye to Adrian as our father got closer to us and said "A little trouble won't hurt anyone just make sure I'm the one to hear about it and not your mother. She'll lose her mind." We all smiled at him as he wrapped us in a hug and ruffled all our hair. After that we turned to Adrian's parents and said our goodbyes. Once we started getting on the train we all turned back and waved to them which we received back. 

"We should go find a compartment now. Should we split up?" Joshua piped up. "Yea we should. I'll go with Joshua and you two can go together." Blake immediately said. Me and Adrian looked at each other with one of our eyebrows raised. I had noticed Blake wanting to always be with Joshua and would take any chance to be alone with him. "Alright see you guys in a minute." I responded as I grabbed Adrian's hand and dragged him to the opposite side of the train from where my siblings were going. "What's going on between your brothers?" Adrian finally asked once I let go. "I don't truly know but I think I might have an idea." "Which is?" Lowering my voice to a whisper I said "I think Blake might have a crush on Joshua." Adrian stared at me like I just told him the craziest thing. He finally regained from his shock and asked "But they're both guys and they are brothers." "Well first off it doesn't matter that they are both guys. Also technically they aren't blood related so I don't really see the big issue." I said looking at Adrian. "Well there's nothing wrong. I guess I'm more scared what your parents would say to that." "It wouldn't matter what my parents think as long as they're both happy." Adrian nodded his head with a slight smile before continuing "I guess your parents wouldn't be to mad seeing as he's a Riddle." "Anyways enough about them. Let's actually find a compartment." I said as we had stopped to talk.

We walked for another minute until we found an almost empty compartment. Inside were only two boys so we thought it'd be best if we asked. I opened the compartment door which caused the boys inside to look at me. "Hey do you two mind if us two and my brothers sit here? Every where else is full." I asked. "No, not at all." One of the boys said in a Scottish accent. Me and Adrian smiled and sat down. "I'm Oliver Wood by the way." said the one with an accent. "And I'm Cedric Diggory." the other said. Both boys had light brown hair although Diggory had slight curls. Wood had brown eyes opposed to Diggory's grey ones. "I'm Adrian Pucey and this is Y/n Evergreen." Adrian introduced us. "Wait so you live with Joshua Riddle!" Diggory exclaimed. "Yup I do. He's nothing like his father so please don't judge him on that." I responded. They both nodded their heads and then Wood asked "What do you guys think of Quidditch?" We all agreed it was the best thing and talked about the positions we wanted to play.

After awhile of talking about Quidditch Blake and Joshua found us. After they introduced themselves we all went on to talk about Quidditch once more. Since I was in between Wood and Adrian I turned to Wood and asked "What house do you think you'll get sorted in?" "I'm hoping to get into Gryffindor just like my parents. What about you?" "Given my family history I'm probably going to be in Slytherin." "Well even if you are I hope we can still stay friends." "Oh definitely." "Diggory said he wants to be in Hufflepuff so we will almost have all the houses." "We'll find someone, eventually." As we continued to talk I noticed everyone else was starting to quiet down. I turned my head and realized Adrian was asleep on my shoulder while my brothers were laying on each other. Diggory was leaning his head on the window while reading a book. Silently me and Wood decided it was best to do the same. I leaned my head slightly on Adrian's head. Soon after Wood leaned his head onto my shoulder which I was not expecting.

I awoke when I felt a slight poke coming from my left side. I opened my eyes and saw Diggory was the one that woke me up. "Hey we are about to get there. You should go change and wake them up." the boy said in a whisper. "Oh thanks Diggory. You go change first I'll deal with them." With that he stood up and before he got out of the compartment he turned to me and said "You don't have to call me Diggory. If you want to you can call me Ced." At that I smiled and nodded my head. He made his way out of the door silently and I decided it was best to wake Wood up then the others. With that I softly nudged Wood and told him the same thing I had told Cedric. He grabbed his robes and got out of the compartment. Turning to Adrian I shook him awake and moved onto Joshua. Waking Josh caused Blake to awake too. "Hey we need to go change we will be at Hogwarts soon. Cedric and Wood already left to go change." I said softly. "Alright." "Okay." "Fine."  are the only responses I got from the three boys before they got up to leave.

I followed them and then split from them to go to the girls bathroom. The space was small but enough to get changed in. As I exited there was a black haired girl outside that bumped into me. "Oh I'm so sorry!" She said. "It's alright." I replied. She extended her hand that wasn't holding her robes and introduced herself, "Cho Chang by the way." "Y/n Evergreen, nice to meet you." "Pleasure is all mine. I hope to see you around." "As do I." and with that we both went our separate ways. 

Soon I made my way back to our compartment and saw all the boys were already there. "What took you so long Sis?" Blake questioned once I sat down. "Oh I met a really pretty girl while I was coming back." I replied while looking out the window. Everyone raised an eyebrow at me. "And before you all say something no I do not have a crush on her." I continued rolling my eyes playfully. Cho Chang was without a doubt pretty but my mind was definitely not ready for relationships. Especially in 1st year. 

We were all talking for about 15 minutes before the train came to a start. The 6 of us got up and looked out the window. Across the Black Lake we could see the huge and magnificent castle. My parents had told me all about it after we had gotten our letters. After taking in the view we gathered up our stuff and made our way off the train. Once we had gotten off we heard a man's voice calling all 1st years. I turned to see a very big man we a joyful expression motioning 1st years to boats on the lake's shore. We saw that the boats only carried 4 people at a time so Cedric and Wood decided to find their own boat. The four of us got on a boat and waited until all the 1st years were in a boat. I turned to my right and saw the 2 boys sitting with Cho Chang and some other boy. Suddenly the boats started moving and soon enough we were across the lake and ready to enter the castle.

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