Chapter 9

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A/n: sorry for not posting for a few days, but this chapter is long.


I was sitting by the Black Lake, playing around with my powers. I heard someone coming up and turned around to see Hermione about a mile away. She looked at me surprised at how I heard her from far away.

"Super hearing." I said.

She nodded her head. "Okay, Fred and George told me, to tell you, that Ron told them, that Seamus heard from Dean that Hagrid is looking for you."

What? "What?"

"I- don't make me say that again. Hagrid's looking for you. It's an emergency." sighed Hermione. 

"They're treating you like an owl, huh? Talking back and forth through you?" I asked.

"Yeah." she said turning around. When she was out of sight, I turned into my wolf form and ran to Hagrid's hut. I turned back into my human form so no one would see me. I knocked on the door and Hagrid answered right away.

"Yn! Come in, come in!" I walked into the tiny hut.

"Hermione said that you wanted to see me?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yeah. I know something about the first task. I don' want anyone dyin'." He said.

Time skip:

Harry came along. He brought his invisibly cloak and we both hid under it.

"Hagrid, have you combed your hair?" asked Harry.

"Why yes..." Hagrid replied shyly.

"Are you out on a date?" I asked looking up.

Hagrid didn't reply. He just held the sunflower close to his chest as we went out into the Forbidden Forest. I heard a lot of roaring and saw a lot of light.

"Oh, 'agrid! You came!" I saw Madam Maxine. They were flirting. Me and Harry pulled a barging face and continued hiding.

And that's when we saw dragons. Five to be exact. I also saw Charlie there, one of the many Weasley family members.

" that our first task?" I asked.

"I wasn't supposed to show ya. Top secret!" Me and Harry were starting at the dragons.

"Shit." we said in sync.



I was in my dorm, getting dressed for the first task. I put on my sun necklace, which puts my powers at control.

I walked out of my dorm and went to the great hall. As I entered, the Gryffindor table went quiet. I sat down by myself, biting on a piece of toast.

"You should eat, you need the strength against them." said a voice in my head. I ate up some eggs and went off to the quidditch pitch.

I was waiting in the champion's room. I practiced my wrist movements pronouncing the spells.

I started hearing people coming into the seats and I went out of the rooms. I started stretching by doing some cartwheels, handstands and splits.

I saw Krum coming in, so I hid behind a tree.

"Expelliarmus." I breathed. Krum wand flew out of his hand and he looked around. When he spotted me, he smiled and ran to me, picking me up over his shoulder. He threw me on the ground and started tickling me.

"Ich beobachte dich, Evans. (I'm watching you, Evans.)" Krum pointed a finger in my face.

"Gut was auch immer. (Fine whatever.)" I said smiling.

He got off me and held out his hand. I took it.

"Ich hoffe nur, dass Sie wissen, dass dies noch nicht vorbei ist. (Just hope you know that this isn't over.)" he said, pointed his finger in my face again.

I scoffed. I went inside to get some water. I saw Fleur inside i walked over to her and hugged her.

"S'il vous plaît, soyez en sécurité là-bas. (Please be safe out there.)" I said backing away.

"Toi aussi, je ne veux pas que quelqu'un soit blessé. (You too, I don't want anybody getting hurt.)" whispered Fleur.

I heard a flash behind me. I turned to see Skeeter taking a picture of Harry and Hermione hugging.

"This is for the champions and their friends." said Krum with a thick accent.

"Well, I already have what I need." Skeeter smirked at the two, who now are sepereated from the hug.

I scoffed and waved my wand towards the camera. Good luck trying to post any rubbish now, Skeeter. Harry looked at me with a curious face, and I just replied with a smirk and a wink.

Dumbledore came into the tent with a few other people from the ministry.

"Miss Granger, what are you doing here?" asked Dumbledore.

"Um, sorry- I'll just get going." she replied stuttering.

"Your task is to retrieve the golden egg that is being guarded by a dragon. Ms. Delacour, here, Mr. Krum here, Mr. Diggory, Mr. Potter and Ms. Evans." We stood in a half circle shape. Mr. Crouch held out a small back, and Fleur picked up a green dragon. As we all reached our hands on the bag, I saw Harry pull out an icy blue dragon.

"Ms. Evans." said Crouch.

I reached my hand in the bag and pulled out a Hungarian Horntail.

"Good luck." said Dumbledore as he and the ministry officials left. Up first was Cedric. He performed amazingly, other than the fact that half of his face was burned. Madam Pomfrey rushed down into the tent as Fleur went next.

She too performed great, using her broom to fly away, but ended up burning her clothes a bit. Next was Krum who ended up knocking his dragon out completely. And Harry. He used his broom to get away, flew to the castle, and came back for the egg. When he returned into the tent, he was freezing cold.

Now it was my turn. I walked out to the podium as I heard my name being called and chanted. I saw the egg in the middle of the field and took a hesitant step. Too...easy. I blew up a rock and saw a tail slam down on that spot. Knew it.

I ran out of the entrance and hid behind a rock. Think. Think. Think.

"Accio Firebolt!" I yelled raising my wand. I summoned some water from the black lake and started floating on it in a spiral shape. The dragon released itself from the chains and started flying upwards to me. I saw my firebolt flying up and I backflipped off the floating water.

I landed on my broom as I heard cheers and whistles from the audience. I flew to the Black Lake as I collected more water.

I blasted the water at him but he did not budge. I also added some strong winds and he was struggling to fly.

I started flying back to the stadium to try to claim the golden egg. I leaned down and grasped it. As I did, the dragon caught on and blasted fire at me from my right.

I fell off my broom and landed harshly onto the rocky floor. I got my wand out and pointed at the dragon.

"Protego." I said weakly. It cast a blue sheild over me and the fire could not get through. Soon, I saw Charlie get the dragon tamed and my shield vanished.

I started to get up, only to realize my left leg was dripping in blood, my right side of my face was burnt, and my broom was broken.

Krum ran out into the stadium and picked me up off the ground. He carried me to the tent and saw Madam Pomfrey setting a bed for me.

"Oh, dear." She started wiping my face from blood with a cloth.

"Yn! Are you okay?!" Harry ran up to me.

"What are you talking about I'm- Brilliant." I said clutching on Krum's hand. Madam Pomfrey was fixing up my wounds but I kept whining.

"Ms. Evans. Can I use sleeping draught on you? This will prevent pain."

I nodded. She waved her wand over my head and I passed out.

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