Chapter 5

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A/n: long chapter.

I got to breakfast and Professor McGonagall was giving out times tables. Double Potions, Defense Against The Dark Arts, Care For Magical Creatures, Charms, Herbology, and Transfiguration. I saw the Weasley twins walk in and get handed their times tables. Then Hermione, Harry and Ron.

"Mornin'" George and Fred said in sync.

"Good morning...What do you have first?" I asked the twins.

"Double potions, D.A.D.A, Care For Magical Creatures, Transfiguration and Herbology." said Fred.

"Double potions, D.A.D.A, Care For Magical Creatures, Charms, and Transfiguration." said George.

"Good thing we have half of our classes together-" I was cut off by none other than the Angelina herself.

"Hi, George. Hey, Freddie." she completely ignored me and went to sit with her friends.

I scoffed and finished eating. "I'll head to potions early. Bye." I told Fred and George and they just nodded.

I was walking from breakfast to Potions when I heard a girl crying. I went over to her and kneeled down.

"What's wrong?" I asked. The girl's hair was messed up, her hands were red and her tie was out of place.

"My-my dad sent me a h-howler and it went o-off in the hall. Some Slytherins were m-making fun of m-me f-for it." Her tears were streaming down her face.

"What's your name?" I took her small hands.

"Penelope Hardwood, 2nd year, Hufflepuff." she said stuttering. "Can I call you Penny?" I asked carefully pushing her hair behind her ears. She nodded and started slowly controlling her breathing.

"Hey, it's okay. I've gotten one or two before too. Tell me, who are those Slytherins?" I started to hug her and then she pulled out after a second. She looked over to a white blonde boy who was laughing around with his friends. 

"Watch this." I made water from a nearby lake float over the blonde boy's head and drop. He was drenched while his friends were laughing at him. Then I made strong winds come in his face, you know like a blow dryer.

Penny was giggling the whole time. I smiled and finished messing around with him. I turned back to her and she leaped into a hug. I hugged her back and pulled away.

"If anybody tries to bully you, you come straight to me, got it?" I said pointed a finger at her and she nodded. She smiled and ran back to her friends.

I felt someone behind me so I turned around to see Fred and George. "Impressive, impressive." They said clapping.

"Why thank you." I said sarcastically bowing. I turned around and walked to the dungeons.

I sat down in potions next to some random people and saw that Harry and Hermione came in. They saw me and walked over.

"Good thing we've got potions together." said Harry.

"Lucky I guess." I sighed.

Snape came out of his office and stood in front of the class. "Welcome to..another year. Today...we will be making the Sleep Draught potion. Anybody that takes a sample will be expelled." I see why people don't like Snape, he was colder than ice. I turned to the Sleep Draught page and began collecting ingredients.

Wormwood, valerian sprigs, essence of nettle, powdered asphodel petals, sopophorous bean, and flobberworm mucus.

I grabbed a cauldron and a cutting board along with a blade.

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