The Dawn of The Enemy

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Jay stood completely still for a moment, barely breathing as he took us in with eyes filled with shock. They skimmed over the blood on my arm, the dirt on Ni-ki's face and the sleeve Jungwon had ripped on a tree branch, but when they came to rest on a tear stained Karina and Felix, any visible signs of life disappeared from him and I wondered whether the blood was still pumping around his body. I glanced at Karina and Felix who were staring at Jay with the same level of lifelessness and I was genuinely concerned until a tear fell from Karina's eyes.

Suddenly I heard desperate shouts from behind me and the sound of guns being fired. I looked to Jungwon with pure terror in my eyes, my heart beating faster than I had thought was possible. But he didn't show a single sign of panic, instead pulling Felix and Karina to their feet and putting  finger to his lips for silence and gesturing us to follow him as he took off in a sprint.

'What the- what's happening?' Jay hissed as we took off, but Jungwon shook his head.

Both Jay and I turned to look in the direction of the gun shots, and I flinched as one shot hit a branch that fell to the ground with a loud thud. I turned to look to Jungwon for reassurance, but was met with something solid that knocked me to the ground. I threw my arms out behind me to soften my fall, and landed with a less thunderous thud. My vision went blurry for a second, and a face dawned in my vision. It was none other than-

'Lee Heeseung?'

'Sophie, I'm so sorry, are you ok?' he asked, holding out a hand. I took it and got to my feet. 

'I'm fine, but we need to go,' I said, pulling at his arm. But a hand flung out in front of me and I was pushed back against a tree, I turned to see Sunghoon, staring at something in the distance. There, barely 50 meters away from us were armed guards, their guns raised as they ran. Had I taken one more step I would have been directly in their line of vision. I shivered, dreading the thought. I turned back to see Jake and Sunoo, having materialised from seemingly nowhere, retreating further back into the bushes, and felt someone pulling me back into the hiding spot.

The leaves scratched against my skin as I sat, waiting with baited breath. The nine of us were crammed into one hiding place, and I could hear Karina's heavy breathing from one side of me, and Heeseung's slowed inhales and exhales from the other side. I listened intently, to the patter of the footsteps approaching us rapidly, doing all I could not to scream or breathe to heavily. Suddenly, the footsteps slowed to a stop right in front of our bush.

'Halt!' I heard a voice command. Everything was silent for one horrifying moment. But then more slowed, precise footsteps came from the back of the group of guards. It sounded like high heeled shoes walking across the twig littered path. As the sound neared us, I saw a pair of shiny black heels stride forward towards the front of the guards.

'We have lost them,' A female voice came from where the high heels had just approached. It was sharp and loud, and sounded familiar, very familiar. 'But not to worry, the young girl among them... she'll be the easiest to catch. She's never been good at hiding, the brat.'

'What do you mean?' a voice came from among the guards.

'Never you mind,' the female voice snapped harshly. I gasped, and Jake clasped a hand over my mouth. I knew that voice very well.



a/n: Heyy did you all enjoy? If you did please feel free to vote and maybe even follow me! It means a lot to me with my new book coming out soon. If you want to know more, check out my official website:

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This is the end of Part 1 of Vampire Survival - Enhypen. I will be back with Part 2 shortly so please look forward to it! Love y'all

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