Kennith x Reader - Why would you even like me?

Start from the beginning

By now we had reached the bottom of the staircase and the front door, where Kennith let go of my wrist and opened the door, bidding me farewell with a sarcastic smile: "So, if ya don't mind, I'd like you to finally fuck off now, got it?" I gave the boy one last sad look, which he just returned coolly, before I left his house as ordered and hurried home.

"Ah (Y/N), there you are! Did you ask the boy about the radio?", my mother asked as soon as I arrived home, but I only uttered a brief: "He said he didn't have time.", before I stormed into my room and threw myself onto my bed to bury my face in my pillow, sobbing. Kennith had looked at me and spoken to me so disparagingly and angrily, he, the boy I wished so much would like me.

But what made me even sadder was the fact that Kennith was hurting himself. Sure, I had noticed that our classmates sometimes.. okay, actually always bullied and excluded him because he was different, but that he did something so bad to himself because of it... I would have loved to run back to him immediately and talk to him, support him and cheer him up, but the thought that he probably hated me now prevented me from doing so.

– – – – –

The next day at school, I felt like Kennith was completely ignoring me, even more than usual. No matter how many times I looked over at him, he kept his eyes fixed on his desk the whole time and didn't return my gaze even once. His forearms were wrapped in white bandages and there were also a few band-aids on his thighs. "Did he cut himself there too after I left? Was it my fault??", these and similar thoughts ran through my mind all day long, so that I could hardly concentrate on anything else.

After the school day was finally over, Kennith immediately grabbed his pastel-colored backpack and left the classroom quickly while I was still packing up my things. "Hey (Y/N), is everything okay with you today? You've been staring at Simmons again all day, don't tell me you have a thing for him!", one of my friends who had joined me, accompanied by two other classmates, suddenly wanted to know. "W-what?! No, of course not, why should I?", I replied immediately and tried my best not to blush, which my friends fortunately didn't notice.

"Yeah would've surprised me though, why would anyone like a loser like him after all?" "Yeah, right? Have you seen what he looks like? Those clothes and that hair, and he wears make-up and nail polish like a girl!" "I'm telling you, he's total a freak!", the three of them laughed spitefully, but that was too much for me. So I jumped up without thinking and shouted angrily: "Hey, stop talking about him like that! Who cares if he dresses or styles himself differently, that doesn't make him a freak! Who do you think you are to judge him like that and make fun of him?!"

"I knew it...", the first of the three grinned and continued with a chuckle: "So you do have a crush on him! Wow, it looks like you're just as weird as he is! Why don't you ask him out on a date with you, maybe at the madhouse!" Shortly afterwards, the three of them left with mocking laughter, leaving me alone and pretty frustrated. "Those idiots... Who needs them, I'm fine without friends!", I thought and was about to finish packing up my things when I suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Is it true?" I immediately turned my head to the person the voice belonged to, and of course that person was Kennith. "Is it true what you just said? That you don't think I'm weird, I mean.", he explained, hesitantly stepping a little closer to me, and I looked at him uncertainly. But at that moment, I decided not to back down and finally say what I had wanted to say to Kennith for so long: "Yes, that's true. I don't think you're weird or a loser or a freak or whatever. On the contrary, actually I've always liked you in this way that I can't even really explain to myself. I just never told you because.. I was too scared that you might reject me..."

"But why on earth would someone like you even like me? It's true what they all say, I'm just a freak, and that yesterday... What I said to you.. How can you still like me after that?? Why don't you hate me like everyone else does, (Y/N)?!", Kennith shouted in a slightly trembling voice, clenching his hands into fists tensely. "BECAUSE I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU, GODDAMN IT!!", I shouted back, immediately covering my mouth. That had come out louder than I had intended... shit.

"W-what?...", Kennith asked, now even more confused than he already was. The heat rose to my face and after an awkward moment of silence, I finally responded more quietly: "Yes, it's true. Ever since I saw you for the first time, I've felt this strange connection to you, and since then I've wanted nothing more than to help you fight off all these idiots and support you. I know I'm probably talking shit right now, but that's just how I feel. I'm sorry if this is all a bit sudden, and coming from the person who snuck into your house yesterday without permission... I can understand if you don't want to have anything more to do with me now, honestly..."

But then I was suddenly interrupted by Kennith, who carefully took my hands in his and simply stayed in that pose for a moment before finally saying: "But why would I reject the first person who is really nice to me?" Despite the racing of my heart and the excited fluttering in my stomach, I asked in astonishment: "The first person? But... what about your friend? That blonde girl?" "Stephanie.", Kennith said, his gaze automatically darkening as he thought of her. "No. She was nice to me at first, but that was all fake. I'm better off without her. Now.. now I have you after all, I guess...", the short boy mumbled, looking slightly ashamed as he said the last sentence.

"Yes, you do!", I confirmed and smiled happily, even though what Kennith had told me made me wonder a bit. But I decided to ask him about this Stephanie again later, because now Kennith grinned a little and indicated a bow while he asked: "And now may I ask you out on a date at the most famous madhouse in town?" This made me laugh slightly and I grabbed his hand while replying: "Why yes, I would be honored!" And so we left the classroom grinning and hand in hand, ready to go our way together from now on.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The ending..... yeaaaah. ANYWAY look at this slightly older Kennith fan-art I just found :DD

 ANYWAY look at this slightly older Kennith fan-art I just found :DD

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Gosh I really need to stop simping for him so much ;^;

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