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Nicky Monroe

"I love this bar so much!" Breddy exclaimed as we waited in the line to be let in.

I could hear a woman's voice already harmonising on the mic, meaning we should be allowed in already.

"I like it but I hate when they make us wait." I said, becoming louder to emphasise my annoyance and hoping someone would hear.

Brendon rolled his eyes as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Stop being so bitchy. We are going to have a good night tonight and take everything off your mind."

I softly smiled at him, before the line started to move. "I'm definitely happy now." I spoke as we became closer and closer to the entrance.

"ID's please." The bouncer asked, outstretching their hand.

Breddy grinned at me while digging through his pocket. "People still think i'm young - good god!" He giggled as the bouncer checked his ID.

Their head looked up and down before passing his ID back. "25! You do look young." The bouncer exclaimed to Brendon, while they examined mine.

Breddy flicked his imaginary strands of long hair as we walked into the double doors, revealing purple lighting and smoke.

The woman's angelic voice became louder as we approached the bar and took a seat.

"Two sex on the beaches and two vodka shots please. Anything for you Nicky?" Brendon was so greedy when it came to alcohol.

"A long island ice tea please." I stated while the bartender shuffled to the back.

"Right the plan for tonight. We start here and then I say we can do three more bars before I feel like death." Brendon began to plan our night. I put my thumbs up, not really listening.

The beautiful voice stopped singing before a guitar riff began to be practiced. We must be really early. Despite the massive queue and people, the band were still rehearsing.

Brendon began to applaud the singer while we waited for our drinks.

"Do you know who's playing tonight?" I asked Brendon. He began to nod.

"Yeah it's a band called 'The Loving Dolls & The Americans', the lead singer is called Lennon. Never seen them before, I just read on the website."

I began to nod my head. A long name for a band. I couldn't critique however, my ex boyfriend was in a band so - no shame.

The bartender came back with our drinks, placing them down on the bar. Breddy gulped the first shot down before I even picked up mine.

"Go easy babe." I heard an American voice speak. I turned around to reveal a petite statue and a silver bob.

A silver bob.

He was followed by a silver bob, who ducked under his arm as she snaked her other arm round his waist. He began to wave at his adored fans as my heart crumbled at once.


My eyes scanned her features while her smile faded and she started a conversation with Brendon.

She was Tom's girlfriend. Her.

That stupid bitch with the shitty bob that looked like a pencil, was the girl dating Tom.

Her big eyes bulged out of the sockets and dry skin was hanging from her bottom lip, moving as she spoke.

I could not believe I was face to face with the one woman I was envious of.

"Nicky!" Brendon began to shake my arm, pulling me away from the hatred that was rising in my body.

"She's had a rough week, apologies. This is Nicky Monroe. Nicky, this is Lennon Keys - she's the singer in the band!" Breddy smiled as he introduced us.

"Nice to meet you." I stated as I shook her hand, her eyes seemed darker and I could see the smile was a cover.

She seemed...disgusted and annoyed. At me?

"You too." The corners of her mouth twitched.

Brendon fidgeted in his seat behind me, before he stood up and announced his leave. "I'm going to piss myself if I don't go now. I'll be five." He spoke before walking away.

I faced Lennon and her stupid face, before trying to spark a conversation. "So, what's it like being in a-"

"Look, we don't need an introduction. I hear enough about you at home. So, what I would love for you to do, is walk out of Bill's life and leave Tom alone. He's mine. I am this close to becoming his fiancée and I don't want some German skank ruining it." She interrupted.

My lips sealed immediately.

What the actual fuck? I couldn't choose words to say to make her stay in her place, she knew what she wanted and I don't think I could get inbetween that.

"Don't think of saying anything, you don't need to. You try and intervene with me and Tom, and I will do things to you, you couldn't never imagine. And, babe, it's a promise - not a threat." She put the last word in before walking away towards the stage.

I sat, in complete silence, my lips pursed and my hands drenched in embarrassed sweat.

"We are 'The Loving Dolls & The Americans' and this is 'Smoking In LA'." I heard the winey voice of Lennon announce before music imploded my ear drums while I processed what the fuck had just happened.

She had absolutely killed me with them fucking childish come backs, and I couldn't say anything to defend myself.

She had schooled me, so badly. She'd set me on fire and wouldn't dare piss on me to put it out, instead she'd dance to the screams of my agony.

She was a flame I could never put out, and now I don't think I wanted to even try.

I don't think I could have Tom.

 Out - A Tom Kaulitz SequelWhere stories live. Discover now