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Nicky Monroe

The cool, summer evening breeze swooshed
through my hair, drawing lines on my back, making me shiver.

"Jesus I've never seen a crowd like it." Brendon said as he dragged us closer and closer, the screams and cries of teenagers becoming louder.

"They are so fucking sexy!" The girl next to us screamed, wafting her hands in the air.

I revived an elbow to my side and a hit to the back, making me trip forwards and nearly crashing onto the concrete floor.

"Watch it you bitch, there my new extensions you touched." A girl turned around to me.

I looked back at Breddy and Dexter who were looking back at me, trying to avoid getting hit or punched by the fangirls.

"Who are these even waiting for?" Dex shouted over the screams, I shrugged my shoulders. I was thinking the exact same thing.

The erratic behaviour soon turned worse when an approaching bus came round the corner, girls threw their hands up and began to push and shove one another, trying to get to the front.

I looked over my shoulder to be met with the shocked faces of girls and boys, no sign of Breddy and Dexter anywhere I looked. I was on my own for this one.

The blacked out bus came to a halt, the door opened and a group of security men clambered out. They were all dressed for the occasion, black suits and earpieces.

Tears and spit soon landed onto me in every different place before the screams became wails and they all began to chant two words:

"Tokio Hotel"

The name seemed familiar, I just couldn't pin point where in my mind it had come from.

"Tokyo Motel isn't it?" I questioned as I watched his face change.

"Tokio Hotel." He corrected me before inviting me to his gig.

I inhaled the air before nearly proceeding to choke on it as I came to the shell shock of who these people, everyone desperately wanted to see, were. My insides felt like someone had kicked and stomped on them, mashing them up while my heart banged against my heavy chest, wanting to pop out right there and then.

Clumsy bimbo
Inky braids
Dick to everyone

Drops of sweat laced the creases of my palms as I swallowed the lump of realisation.

Angel and Devil

My eyes followed every twitch that came from the bus door, I watched it move slightly before I saw a leg.

I love you, I hate you.

His tall statue clambered out of the door, which was small in comparison to his height. His head was still covered by the same coloured braids he wore in College.

All the memories came haunting me back so hard, it felt like I had been punched in the stomach. I watched as his tongue swirled round his silver lip ring and how his arm stretched out welcoming... a girl.

He was followed by a silver bob, who ducked under his arm as she snaked her other arm round his waist. He began to wave at his adored fans as my heart crumbled at once.

This couldn't happen again.

He gently placed a kissed on her head before walking towards some more people. The rest of the band followed in his footsteps.

Everything around me was moving, except myself. I couldn't bring myself to take my eyes off him, I stared at his every move. The feeling of his touch was something that I yearned for, for years after us. And now, I knew I seriously could never get that back.

A hand brushed the curve of my back, pulling me out of my trance as I turned around to see Brendon's frown.

"Shit Nicky." He said as he pulled me into a hug while Dex gave me a kiss on the head.


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