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Bill Kaulitz

I stared at them two, flirting and touching each other - could never take their hands off one another.

I couldn't possibly tell him about Nicky. Knowing that he didn't know I spoke to her was literally shrinking my insides, second by second. But, he'd be heartbroken.

He never once stopped loving her. But now, he was happy. Lennon loved him, he loved Lennon. I couldn't possibly take that away, could I?

I mean, i've always had my suspicion with her. She was fishy.

Lennon and Tom met at a restaurant while she was playing piano, he didn't really have his eyes on her but she was definitely dead set on him.

"I know you from somewhere." She spoke, her hands on her hips.

"Yeah we are in a band." Tom replied as I fiddled with my rings.

"Cool, I want to know more." She pulled a chair to the table and sat down.

And since then, it was always Lennon this and Lennon that. Lennon says we should add this to our song. I'm writing a song about Lennon because i've never loved anyone like I love her.

You loved Nicky more and you know it.

So, that's why I couldn't break the news to him. It would crack Tom, like it already did. He never once brung her up again after the last time they talked.

I thought, perhaps he had gotten over Nicky until I found a half written song about her. I never told him I saw it, he would kill me.

"Bill what's the matter?" Tom said while giggling as he picked up Lennon bridal style.

I shook my head. "Nothings the matter." I muttered before leaving the kitchen to go back to bed.

I sauntered over to my bed, flopping onto it and pulling the duvet over my aching body.

He loved Lennon, telling him I'd basically got in contact with Nicky would probably ruin his relationship with his girlfriend. I just couldn't do it.

I rested my head on my pillow before shutting my eyes, trying to force sleep.

 Out - A Tom Kaulitz SequelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon