Episode 15: Kill the Giant Danger Beast.

Start from the beginning

Esdeath: I see... Your physique has certainly become more pronounced. And you've clearly leveled up.

She say headpating y/n.

Esdeath: You've done well in this short amount of time!

Y/n: W-well...

Esdeath: The Danger Beasts here are pretty much anihilated. They were annoying, but... Thanks to them I was able to find you. This can only be destiny.

Just then Esdeath senses a presence coming closer to them.

Esdeath: There's a suprisingly number of nuisance around here. The one that just hid... I know you're there. Come out.

She says drawing her blade.

Esdeath: If you do not, I shall not hesitate on attacking you.

She says as from behind the rocks a caped man from earlier comes out.

Caped man: I thought I hid pretty well. But I gotta give it to you. As expected from the capital's strongest. Still, to encounter you out here... I guess playtime is over.

Y/n: That's my thing to say. Syura. My 2nd most hated character in series, first is of course minister.

Esdeath: Seems as though you know why the Danger Beasts are everywhere. I'll escort you to the torture room.

Syura: Unfortunately, I'm not into that. And ultimately, I'll have you clean up a big toy! Imperial Arms Shambala! Activate!

He says as y/n and esdeath are surrounded in circle as they dissapear.

Syura: Now. What shall I play with next?

He says as camera switches to where y/n and esdeath teleported as they are on lonely island.

Y/n: It looks like we got teleported or we're hallucinating. You won't hurt me do you.

Esdeath: Y/n... To think you had such a fetish. Just as I thought, we really are meant for each other.

Y/n: This isn't what I meant! I wanted to check if we're hallucinating or not. So that's why i think that by feeling some physical pain, maybe we'll wake up!

Esdeath: All right! Here goes.

She says as y/n prepares for punch or something but she kisses him instead.

Esdeath: It isn't an illusion. The sensations are too real. The smell of salt and the ocean breeze... Temperature and humidity. This is probably all real.

Y/n: So we have been teleported.

Esdeath: It looks like it. Manipulating space and time is a superior ability. Definitely in the top percentile among the Imperial Arms. Just who is he? For now, let's check our surroundings.

She says creating a giant pillar to the sky as she and y/n are in top.

Y/n: We're completely surrounded by ocean.

Esdeath: This is a beautiful view. It's as though we're on a date.

Y/n: You sure are calm.

Esdeath: The ability of the Imperial Arms suprasses the imagination. If you want to go on, you have to keep an open mind.

Y/n: I see.

Esdeath: Back to the main subject...

She says hugging y/n.

Esdeath: It's as though we're on a date!

Just then a giant come out of water as it looks like Stylish danger Beast he transformed.

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