While Erwin first had been against the idea of me having to tag along when I was clearly sensitive to the cold climate— I insisted it didn't pose as a valid reason for me to abandon my soldier-responsibilities.

That was how we ended up in teams of 2 as we searched for sticks or logs to supply ourselves with enough source of heat.

A reasonable exercise I may add, since we were indeed running low on stock.

I was paired with a girl from our batch, one that I have seen and talked to (but only rarely) around the camp. I believe her name started with a 'C'. But that was pretty much all I could recall.

"So ,the East." She looked at her map as I trailed off behind her.

"We shouldn't go too far." I stated, looking around as I could still see the cabin's light all the way from where I stood. "I can tell there'll be an awful storm later, don't wanna get caught up in that."

She nodded in agreement.

As we continued searching for sticks or branches, we were left quite unfortunate. All we could see are solid standing trees— while logs would have been a decent option for creating a source of fire, we didn't exactly bring pickaxe nor are we at the capacity to lift heavy objects.

Not in this cold, at least. Even with gloves on, my hands still felt numb and my muscles not quite as active.

"We should venture a little further out—?" She suggested, waiting for my approval as we saw no progress in our current location.

Hesitantly, I nodded. "Better than empty-handed."

"Yes, and I heard we'll earn a lot of points here. That'll really help since I'm aiming for the top 10." She told me, making me arch a brow curiously.

"You're aiming for the Military Police?"

She looked away, a little bashful before nodding. "Well, yeah. . . It's the only reasonable regiment."

Reasonable? Perhaps for people who wish to live a remotely normal life within the walls. That was unfortunately a life I could never be satisfied with.

"What are you joining, M/n?" She looked up at me with curious brows.

I shrugged, "I'm leaning more towards the Scouts."

I heard her stumble on her own feet slightly before jogging a little to catch up with me.

"The scouts?" She looked ultimately surprised.

I brushed it off, I didn't really like explaining my decisions.


"But. . . Why?" She looked quite gobsmacked, as though disbelieving.

"Is it so hard to believe?" I lightly reflected, clasping my hands together repeatedly to create a source of heat for my numb hands.

Erwin was right, I really did not thrive in the cold.

"No— well, yeah— but it's just that. . ." She trailed off uncertainly, first forming the proper words in her head. "The Scouts. . . I didn't take you as the daring type, M/n. No offense."

"None taken."

"I thought you were aiming for the Military Police."

I scrunched my nose up slightly, but I didn't show her my complete disdain. No, that was reserved for Erwin only.

"No, I have nothing going on for me in Wall Siena." Hence, my lack of desire. And it's not like anything could have convinced me to stay, unless of course Erwin offers— now that will at least make me hesitate.

✓ bizarre love triangle ; erwin smithKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat