Thornberry's Orphanage For Lost And Wayward Children

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The taxi pulled to a stop infront of the gates of Thornberry's Orphanage For Lost And Wayward Children. 10 year old, (Y/n) (L/n), pushed open the door of the taxi. She hoped out, pulling her suitcase out with her. The August sun beamed down on her (S/c) skin, providing her some warmth on this dreary day. She closed the taxi door, and having already been paid, the taxi driver took off. 

Her (E/c) eyes looked upon the familiar building before her. The three-story building was quite old, the bricks that made up the building cracked and discolored. The windows seemed to always be fogged over, and the old oak door locked like it could fall of it's hinges any moment. The property was surrounded by a tall rusted metal fence with spikes on top, and a large gate at the entrance. The grounds of the property contained several old Oak trees, and a semi well kept lawn. And of course, tow metal signs, one above both the gate and one above the front door of the orphanage read, Thornberry's Orphanage For Lost And Wayward Children.

The wind gently blew through her (H/c) hair, as she walked through the old gates. She followed the crumbling walkway, till she reached the old oak door. Raising a hand, she gave the door a couple soild knocks. The door opened soon enough, to reveal a small old woman, with blue-grey eyes and silvery- white hair. When she saw you her eyes crickled sadly, and she offered you a sweet smile.

"Hello, my dear. Welcome back." She said in her soft honeydew voice.

You smiled sheepishly.

"Hiya, Ms.Thornberry. Sorry for showing up so early. The Johnson's were in quite the rush." You apologized akwardly.

"Oh, nevermind that. Let's get you inside now, dearie." She said, waving you off.

She guided you into the orphanage, closing the door behind you both. The inside was slightly more well kept then the outside. The hard wood floors creaked loudly when you walked over them, and the floral wallpaper was chipped and peeling. The halls were lit with the soft glow of lanterns, and the building always ached and groaned, never seemingly able to settle it's old bones. Ms. Rosemary Thornberry was a kind old women, who had always wanted children of her own. She never managed to have any however, so she decided to open up this orphanage in her youth. She's been running it ever since, but the building and grounds have fallen into disrepair as she has been having a harder time keeping up with the maintenance of the place in her old age.

You and Ms.Thornberry made you way to your old room on the third floor. She opened the door for you, and you both stepped inside. The room was pretty empty, with a a well made bed in the back left corner by the window, and a small desk  and chair along the right wall. In the middle of the room there was a wooden wardrobe, and a chest at the foot of the bed. The only things of note where a few of your books and clothes that you left here a few months ago, when the Johnson's came to adopt you. You stopped bringing everything with you when you left, and the first couple times you returned.

"Here you are, dear. Just as you left it." She said.

You set your suitcase down on the bed, and a thin layer of dust flew into the air, making you sneeze. The desk chair suddenly crashed to the ground, giving you and Ms.Thornberry a little startle.

"Oh, deary me. I thought I finally got that fixed." She muttered to herself, as she went over to pick the chair back up.

"Sorry, Ms.Thornberry..." You apologized.

She once again waved you off. 

"Not your fault dear. This whole place is falling apart anyway." She said reassuringly.

You know she's right, you didn't even touch the chair after. Odd things always seemed to happen around without any explanation. And even though you know you had nothing to do with it, deep down you somehow felt responsible. 

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