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Second Hour - 22:40:19


Each member has made their arrangements to travel around the world, to make sure this Order is carried out. By the end of the first hour, all sectors must be prepared to make monthly submissions of their inventory counts, documentation of all transactions and establish a secure, and efficient form of communication.

"We have entered the second hour of five. Give me the updates." 'Awe says waiting for a response.

"Sage here, reporting from Florida, USA. All Eastern sectors are accounted for. The leaders have already submitted their first inventory records to me, and since majority of the Eastern divisions are of the witch faction, they will be helping the vampire offices with communication transmission." she states.

Our other regions seem to have similar results, except one.

"This is Marcus, reporting from Zambia, Africa. The Southern sectors have not submitted their inventories to me. They are having trouble securing a line a communication...". Before he could finish, Victor interrupts.

"We are going into the two-hour mark, Supreme. What in the bloody hell is taking so long?!" he says.

"Apologies Chief, I will be sure to get on it. Let us move forward to the next phase." Marcus responds nonchalant.


The next phase of the Order requires all electronic funding requests to be transferred into cash, as the online banking portals will be inaccessible. Requests on, or after this phase, will need to be made in-person.

'Awe is the only councilmember who is present in England. She stayed back in Coventry to oversee the enactment of the Order. HQ will soon be crowded, as representatives from different sectors come to sort out their business before the shutdown. A few minutes past, and James enters the council chambers.

"Mistress, we have a slight problem at the front gates. Remember the new supernaturals that I mentioned were in town? Well they're requesting access in." James says with a serious tone.

In the instance that the elevator hits the lobby, the lights begin to flicker, and the door remains close, unable to open. 'Awe, with a wave of her hand, forces the doors to open. The building begins the shake, ceiling panels start to fall and the walls begin to crack. Chaos echoes throughout the halls.

"Didn't you say 'requesting'?!" she says as she stares at James with confusion.

James tried to keep his balance while also staying vigilant. The two attempt to head over to the front gates, when suddenly a center stone pillar crumbles and begins to plummet towards civilians as the are trying to evade the area. Simultaneously as she's running, 'Awe points her fingers in that direction, sending a powerful lightning bolt out, hitting the debris and turning it into ash.

They finally reach the gates. Two guards frantically enter the building. Blood dripping down their faces, claw marks on their bodies, and their uniforms charred as if they have just ran through a fire pit.

"No, don't go out there ma'am! It's not safe!" one of the guards says while trying to catch his breath.

At this point, the chaos in the building has temporarily subsided. 'Awe slowly exits the gates, and appears on the other side of the portal, to find herself face-to-face with eight black-hooded figures. At first they seem nervous seeing that she arrives to the scene alone, however they immediately begin to state their business.

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