I have never felt like this around Niko before. So why now?!

Can it be possible that I like Niko-

No, no way!

Now I am just thinking nonsense.

I need to get my mind off of these things.

I washed the bowl and the spoon and kept it on the kitchen shelf.

I got ready and headed to the library to clear my mind.


I settled down in a corner seat and started studying for my upcoming classes.

Just then somebody pulled a chair and sat down beside me.

I looked up to see it was no other than Niko Volkov.

Just my luck!

He is the last person I want to see right now.

This time he was reading a Hindu mythology book.

This is so awesome that we share the same interests.

Between, I think this is the perfect time for me to apologize.

"Hey, Niko how are you?" I asked.

"Good," Niko answered paying attention to me.

Ugh, why did I just say that? I need to get to the point!

Let's try again.

"Okay, so, I want to apologize for yesterday." I started.

"I am sorry for yesterday. I was drunk and not in my right state of mind. I should not have forced it on you." I continued feeling embarrassed as I remembered all the events.

Well, I wouldn't mind if we do it again.

Also, he could not release himself yesterday because I passed out right after I came.

Way to embarrass myself.

I could use this opportunity to repay my mistake.

"It's fine you are not at fault here. People can get horny after they drink. And I did not mind anyway. " Niko said smiling gently at me.

He then tugged a hair strand that was falling on my face, behind my ear.

That movement made me feel weird

Not in a bad way. But in a good way.

"But I still want to compensate for my mistake. So, uhm, would you like to have sex with me? So that I can make it up to you", I asked him. I could not look him in the eye saying that.

As I peeked at him, I saw his cheeks turning a pretty pink and his eyes widened with shock.

He is so cute!!

"But why? I did say that I have no problem", Niko said.

"I do!" I said. "I am feeling guilty. Just let me repay you. And also you could not have a release yourself." I continued.

"I am sorry but I can not", Niko said.

"But- Why?"

"Because I love you, Nia. I have been in love with you for the last eleven years." Niko said.

"Doing it with you would only give me false hope. I will start thinking that you like me just like I do. And I don't think I can handle the heartbreak", Niko continued saying.

"If we ever do it, we will do it once we are in love. When I will be sure that you won't run away the next day thinking that this all was just a mistake. Or at least when it is not for compensation but because you want me.", Niko kept on talking about how much he loves me and wants me.

How much he could do just for me.

How much it would hurt him if I left him.

Niko Volkov loves me? Nia Harper?

How? Why?

I am not at all worthy of that love he is showing me.

I cannot even trust men. How can I love him?

Henry fucked up my life so badly that I cannot even like anybody else.

I don't deserve Niko.

And also I don't even like him in that way.

The thought made my heart ache for some reason.

My head started ringing as his voice faded. I took a grip on myself.

"I get it Niko. But I don't get it why? Why do you like someone like me? I can't even trust men for relationships!" I said nearly shouting.

"Excuse me, mam, we need you two to quiet down. This is a library and we are all trying to read here." a man from the next table told us.

"We are sorry. Please excuse us." Niko apologized to them and we went out.

I need an ice cream right now!

"Want an ice cream?" Niko asked me.

How- how did he know that I needed an ice cream right now?!

I seriously don't deserve a man like him.

He deserves someone better...

I hope he gets rid of these feelings for me.

I don't think I can ever reciprocate these feelings.

And also, I don't want to lose such a loving friend like him.

And also, I don't want to lose such a loving friend like him

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