'listed, reasons.'

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The air is thick and dark as I lay flatly on the Cushionless mattress. When Rebecca complained, Eric had snapped. "We train Soilders, not fucking princess's so suck it fucking up."

She shut her mouth. Backing away. I almost pittied her. She wasn't used to sleeping in something that others would count as Comfort less, but for me It was the usual Quality. The only complaint I had was the annoying Occasional Drip of a broken pipe.

One of the showers needed to be fixed for a while now apparently. But the leaders took this as an opportunity to teach us that not everything will be handed to us. We can choose hygiene over shitting with something to whipe our ass's. Not both.

And while I value a good warm shower. I rather not walk around with my underwear filled with shit marks and piss stains.

My senses are on over drive as I run my fingers through my hair. Each thought increasingly loud as I Recall the tour. Eric thankfully wasn't present for the most part. It was delivered by Four, a man I can stomach Being Around. Even Peter was better company and that was saying something considering he was one big asshole to everyone. Including me.

He choose the Bed across from mine. I'm near the Toilets, un-pleastant for the thought of it. But realistically it's not forever. Its only until I can get through the training stage and gather enough points for an apartment. For now, I have the Chance of getting up for a piss with the likely hood of drifting back to the land of Unicorns and Sun-shines.

Each snore, is a reminder of privacy being a privlage we all lacked. It wasn't something that could be bought. Or earned. It's something we lost when we chose this faction. Even changing into my new Faction clothes, I felt like all eye's where on me. Even when no one battered there lashes in my direction.

It seemed paranoia was becoming my bestfriend. And it was snuggling deep into the back of my mind, where the other Irrational thoughts are. And personally I didn't like them being so snuggly there. But I couldn't change that. Not with them already settled. So instead, I burry my head deeper into the pillow.

I'm only this Restless because I have never been here before. I rationalise. It wasn't because I was weak, or because I knew deep down I wouldn't survive without powerful friends.

While Having Peter as a strange, friend was weird. Deep down I was glad. At least someone will have my back, even if that someone was the walking definition of dick head. Already he introduced a handful of people to me. Considering he already Socialised with a handful of people. His priorities where much clearer then mine that was for sure.

The bed creaks under my weight as I shift. Getting Into a more comfortable Position. My skin cools as a slight comfortable breeze Brushes against the Exposed skin my Tank top brings.

Cool and calming.

When I finally Drift of to sleep. Its one filled with nothing, only a feeling of being Weightless. Only when I feel the thoughts become forgotten to I finally let go. Finally allow myself to surrender to the cool welcoming embrace sleep brings.

Everything else feels insignificant, worries. Anxieties. Everything.

And then, the Striking of metal against metal breaks me out of my trance. I hiss, hands Covering my eyes like a shield. Hoping I wouldn't loose the precious feeling of Drifting in the abyss of nothingness.

"Wake up initates, you got Five minutes." His voice reminds me of Rough rock. One where you Rubbed it against your leg, and when that happens. Blood appears.

Early mornings never agreed with me. Even more now that it means almost instantly I'll be training. They didn't baby in this faction. And like Eric had Snapped. 'If you wanted to be treated like a ball-less child. You should have stayed next to your mommy's tit.' I would have worded it in a better way. But of course, He seems to have a Way with his Words. And even more of a way when it came to Hitting a person's sore spot with ease.

KARMA (Eric x oc Divergent.) Where stories live. Discover now