Chapter 19: Jax Easton

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Iris is stunned and about to turn to hit me, but then she sees the wide eyes watching her every move. White light lights up the faces of Carbon, Piper, and Scout. Instead of turning her head to me, she turns to the side to see Spider-Man: Homecoming on a large TV.

"Yeah, you can definitely come in. They're being idiots when they should be working," I tease, watching them scramble a little to seem as though they weren't watching a movie.

"You aren't working though!" Carbon yells, throwing his hands up in the air while searching the room for the remote.

Piper pulls it out from her lap, shuts the TV, and uses the same remote to turn on the lights.

"Don't tell Alpha," she pleads, her attention back on her computer and the hacked cameras of Open Tease.

Iris doesn't acknowledge it if she sees what Piper is searching through.

Scout is the first one to stand and introduce themselves to Iris. Carbon and Piper soon follow, already trying to dig up dirt on how I am when I'm around a girl. I roll my eyes at both of them but smile because I can't help it one bit. I love them even though they drive me crazy.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" Carbon questions, eyeing us up and down.

"Iris has some info about a guy we might want to take care of. We're going to talk to Alpha about it."

"The big boss, huh?" Piper teases Iris who blushes.

I don't think I've seen her blush before. She's fucking adorable.

"Oh her first day too!" Scout joins in, and I can feel Iris tuck herself into my side.

I know she knows they are teasing her, but I still send the three of them a pointed look to lay off. They all just grin and wish us both good luck before turning back to their work. They seriously need a babysitter in there. 

No one would volunteer to do that job though, and Alpha isn't cruel enough to assign it to someone. We honestly don't care what the three of them do in there, four when I was still being placed there (I haven't been though), because we all got work done. 

We may joke around, but when it's time to be serious, we couldn't do our jobs better. Now that I'm working in the field, which I guess I am because Alpha hasn't said anything otherwise, and when I'm not with Iris, I'm working with Tank who is in the field permanently.

"Should I go into this office with you?" Iris questions softly, looking around the building.

"Yeah, of course. You have every right to be in there," I assure her, wanting to know that she belongs here if she wants to.

"I mean, not really since I'm not an official member or have anything to do with Devil's Rose at all," she shrugs.

"Well, yeah, but what we are doing is in relation to you. And you deserve to hear the conversation we're going to have about it. Unless, you don't want to hear it, and you can go watch Spider-Man."

She smiles up at me, laying a gentle hand on my left tricep.

"I think I wanna go watch Spider-Man."

I nod my head and direct her back to Carbon, Piper, and Scout. She thanks me before dashing off in her cute little dress, disappearing around a corner. I rub my face with my right hand as I suddenly become exhausted. 

Fuck, I sort of just want to go to bed. It's been a long day. And neither Iris nor I got much sleep last night. Which is on both of us, but I'm ready for this day to be over.

Slasher: Devil's Rose #10Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang