Chapter 4: Iris Callahan

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Oh my fucking god. I've never done that to a random stranger before. I've done private dances, and I've stripped for them and whatever, but never have I actually sucked anyone off like that. 

It's not like I go into work thinking, "Oh, what if this is the day I finally give someone a blow job", but I wouldn't say no if it's the right guy, clearly. 

He came in earlier, this Slasher guy. He was with three other guys, I think, but they were all married and not interested in having any women around them. Those three weren't here for the stripping, something else was going with them, and I don't think Slasher was either but he was way more open to looking at the women. 

When his eyes landed on me, he didn't take them off, not for one second. I don't know if he even blinked. Typically, that would scare me. I would call over security with the subtle hand signal and get him out of here, but there was (and still is) something about him.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I shouldn't be crushing on anyone who comes into a strip club, but I like him. He's hot, for one. Against his tan skin, I could see the sections of tattoos, which turned me on so fucking much. 

I just want to know what other ones he's hiding. He's my type. Tan with brown hair, blue eyes, and a fucking smile that melts the panties off of me. It's all that and then his cocky ass too. Fuck, and watching him moan from only my hand, I wanted to let him eat me out right there and then. 

I have a lot of guys pining over me and making noises when I grind on them, but this was something so fucking different. I haven't been turned on like that before. Not in my entire life.

He was also extremely respectful though. He did what I asked and made me feel comfortable. I really fucking enjoyed my time with him, and that's why I feel good about leaving with him. Many of the other women doing this job have left with a guy or two but they don't make it a regular thing. 

They don't trust the men around here, and I get that. There are a lot of sketchy people that come in and out of this business. I'm not saying there isn't. For some reason though, I feel like I can trust him. I feel like I can trust the guy that Slasher is, even with a name like that. 

Call it a gut feeling. I know I'm risking some of my safety going with him, but it feels right, and I have to know what's going on with me. People have my location, I've got my guards on speed dial and they will come to me anytime I call, and I've got Maximilliano too.

I'm going for it. For some reason, I just have a good feeling about this.

But before I can leave, I have to finish my shift.

Slasher glances down at my body before buckling his pants back up and helping to pick my lingerie up off the floor. He hands them to me slowly and watches as I dress myself back into one of many pole-dancing outfits that I own. 

I never thought that I was going to end up being a stripper. I don't think anyone really does. I graduated high school and went to community college to get a mechanics degree. I thought that was my path. I have always loved working on cars throughout my entire childhood. 

There's problem solving involved but once you know what's wrong, there's a certain steps that are taken to fix it. And when those don't work, you have to go at the problem again. I enjoy that. Plus, I like the ticker with my hands, and I can't sit still for the life of me. 

But, it was hard for me to get a job as a woman in the field. I interviewed a bunch of different places, and I think my gender had some part to do with not getting those jobs. I know for some of them I wasn't the right fit, but it's been four years.

I worked as a receptionist and personal assistant for two years, but that wasn't bringing me joy. As I said, I can't sit still. I was losing my mind in those jobs, and it was hard for me to take orders from someone else. I felt like my brain was rotting. 

Stripping doesn't make me happy either. I don't think this could make me happy, but I'm making way more money than what I was making in all of the other jobs I've had so far. It keeps me alive, and right now, that's what I need. Someday, I'm counting on having my own business or even working for someone I would be happy with. 

I just don't want to be doing this anymore. I don't want to head up here. It's not for me, and I guess some people want to stay in the job long term, but I can't. I want something more. I think I'm here for a reason though. This moment in my life is teaching me something.

"How much would it be for me to not have you leave this room until the end of your shift?" Slasher questions, fiddling with my hair.

"You mean for the next two hours?" I ask, tilting my head.

"Well, yeah. How much would it be?" he assures me confidently.

"It's six hundred an hour."

"Okay, how much is thirty minutes?"

"Three hundred."

"Which makes sense."

Where is he going with this?

"Three hundred plus twelve hundred plus tips that I'm gonna give you. That's like three thousand dollars."

"That's fifteen hundred in tips," I announce, my mouth dropped wide open.

I've made more than that in a night in tips, for sure, but never from one person. That has never happened to me before. Holy fuck, this man is too much.

"I don't know why you are so surprised," Slasher shrugs nonchalantly.

"What would we even do for two hours?"

"Talk to each other."

"You don't even know my real name," I quip back.

"Well, then, feel free to talk freely and without judgment."

"You don't know me."

"But I want to," he retorts, his face stern.


"Because you interest me. Why else?"

"This isn't not normal for me, Slasher."

"Neither for me, Lavender."

I want to know what my actual name would sound like rolling off his tongue, but it's way too early for that. My name is too sacred to reveal to a stranger, and I think Slasher feels the same. According to his jacket, he's a Devil's Rose MC member, and with tradition, he can't reveal it. 

Yes, I know about the MC. 

Everyone around here does. The only reason that people allow the MC to go places most gangs can't is because we trust and respect the MC. They've protected us from a lot of shitheads already. 

There's controversy around them because of the methods that they use to protect innocent people, but I think the only reason that people are mad about it is because they operate outside of the law. 

The police know about them, and I have a feeling that they work closely together which is why the MC members haven't been arrested, so we wouldn't be safer with just the police protecting us.

I would rather the MC be here than not.

"You okay?" Slasher asks me softly, running his fingers through my hair.

He's so fucking hot.

"I'm good. Comfortable."
"Good. That's all I want you to be."

God fucking dammit. In a world full of awful people, I am being bombarded with a sweet man exactly when I don't want that to happen. I'm in no headspace or place to be with someone. I'm trying to avoid it. But it's exactly when you don't want something to happen that it does, unfortunately. 

I watch him tense as he hears someone outside the private room, and it's almost like he's immediately in protection mode. It's so fucking hot. I think I'm in love with him. I'm delusional as hell, but I think I'm in love.

I lay a hand on his shoulder, turning his attention back to me, his dark blue eyes landing on mine. I think I would give him anything he wants. I would fuck him right here and now if I could. He wouldn't even have to ask. He can do anything he wants to me. I wouldn't be mad. 

Slasher: Devil's Rose #10Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя