Chapter Six

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Fuli opened her eyes, a painful throb in her head making her groan. What happened...? In front of her was green... Green what? She blinked. Grass stretched out about twenty pawsteps away from the beige dirt she lay on, inside of a brownish rocky den that was the same length. Realization and memory flooded back to her, making her scramble to her paws despite her severely aching brain. The last thing she remembered was being tackled and hearing someone yell For Baba!—

Kion! She turned around and a wave of relief swept over her when she saw him laying down behind her. His eyes were still shut and a whole new flood of worry went through Fuli as she saw the red, furless, swelling circular mark on his head. 

But behind him were two cheetahs littered with scars staring at them...two cheetahs of whom almost made her heart stop. I'm dreaming again, she instantly realized with a pang of sadness. 

"Are you alright, dear?" Her mother stepped forward, emerald eyes wide. "I'm so sorry about those brutes that took you here. What is your name?"

Her memory of their image was fuzzy, but right now it was as if it became clear as day. I'm dreaming, I know I am! But everything seemed all too real...from the air to the ground under her paws to the sounds of the birds chirping and the grass rustling outside. I hit my head really hard, that's what!

"Her head was hit really hard." Her father's voice was smoother than a river rock. He walked closer. "Dear, can you speak?"

"Snap out of it, Fuli!" she growled to herself, hoping the noise could help bring her back but funding that speaking sent a huge wave of pain up her jawline and to her head. You're hallucinating! You have a concussion!

"Fuli?" both parents echoed, looking at each other with their eyes wide.

Fuli couldn't tear her gaze from them, and her mother added, "We had a daughter named Fuli."

Against her will her paws pulled her towards what she knew was a mere cruel conjuration of her mind, before a wave of dizziness made her sidestep.

"Freeze, cheetah."

The snarl from behind made Fuli turn. Standing in front of the den's exit was a tawny lioness with a thin build, tan fur, and icy blue eyes. She turned, looking at something past the den's side.

"The cheetah's awake!"

Another lioness appeared beside her; grayish beige fur, brown eyes. "Anything on the lion?"

"Still knocked out."

"What do you want?!" Fuli called out, the sudden volume sending pain through her skull.

"None your concern, cheetah!" the tawny lioness snapped before turning to the grayish one. "Why  we keeping it again?"

"My name is Fuli—" She stopped, biting a lip. It wasn't the volume; even moving her jaw sent pain up her head. She continued through gritted teeth, "and if you don't let us go you'll be in a whole heap of trouble." A growl rumbled in her throat and she bared her teeth. Was it a bluff? Maybe. Probably. But with Kion down and defenseless and her injured, it was all they had. And besides, she couldn't let those lionesses step on her fire.

"Ooh, feisty." The grayish one let out a chuckle.

"Agh..." A groan emitted from behind her and she turned to see Kion's eyelids slowly opening.

Before he could fully regain awareness the tawny lioness walked forward and shouted, "You're comin' with us... Up."

Fuli backed up until she was directly in front of Kion. No way she was letting them! "If you wanna get to him, you'll have to get through me."

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