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~{Chapter 9}~*This chapter is when Isabel, Noah, Esme, and Noah are finally graduating today from *NC High School* and choosing their paths for the future. Well, most of them anyway😅. Meaning Isabel was undecided about what she wanted to do with her life... I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

Tomorrow is Graduation🎓day✨at *NC High* for the senior class of "2046" Isabel and Noah had their caps & gowns all ready for that day to come... starting at *1:30 p.m.* on the football field where the ceremony will be taking place and Isabel was chosen by her class to make a speech to end the ceremony for the day.

*The day of Graduation, in the morning*
*10:30 a.m.*
"Never give up because you never know what the tide will bring you in the next day. It's supposed to be hard. If it were easy, than everyone would be doing it. By Tom Hanks". -She said. "Reading this, makes the future sound so simple but in reality, it's not. Cause I don't know myself. My own future I mean," Isabel said softly reading her favorite poem to herself from one of her books📚from her mom who gave it to her as a gift a month ago, for her "18th birthday" when she first gotten into writing. Also, to help cope with her depression of doubt about her powers and the thought of not knowing what her future would be like or will be... just scared her. Based on her dreams she refused to show her "destiny" til she was ready, stopped doubting herself/her powers, and focused on the *now* instead of what could be.

*2 hours later*
"Sis, are you ready yet? Come on, we're going to be late! We're graduating today..." Noah said loudly with excitement ready to graduate from high school "Finally" today to start an *New Chapter* in his life. But as for Isabel, the future was the least of her worries... and just focused on the *present* meaning of today to graduate! So, she quickly got into her cap and gown at *super speed* rushed out of the bedroom ready to go, and said💬. "Yes, I'm ready, Noah. It's our graduation after all," Isabel said prepared for today. Even though, deep down inside her heart, she wasn't ready for what the next day or after today would bring her. "Great, then, let's go," he said happily. And together Isabel, Noah, and their parents left the house in a matter of seconds heading to the *High School* for the graduation ceremony.

*Half an hour later, at the ceremony for the graduating seniors today*
The students all went up to get their diplomas from "Principal Everhart" and then they all sat back down in their seats as it was time for Isabel Dox to make her inspiring speech as a *Graduated Senior* to everyone. She was a little worried hoping that her speech would be good😅and not bad like the last time she had to give a public speech at her school... but this time it felt different cause Isabel had confidence and faith that what she'd say would be amazing and "inspire" her fellow classmates to do better in their lives in the near future🌌✨. She was now at the podium in front of everyone ready to give her senior speech while taking a deep breath and said💬the words that were printed on her paper typed from her laptop💻 just last week, for this exact moment! "We are here today graduating from high school to begin the next chapter in our lives and look to the future! But no one truly knows what tomorrow brings for us... not even "me" because sometimes the future can be uncertain or bad but it can also, be amazing, beautiful, and good when finally know what we want all of our futures to be. Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their "dreams" If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, and focus on the present. So, we must be our true selves... there is no one who is better than You because only "you" can change your life and be who you want to be. Remember this: You are awesome... and thank you," Isabel said inspirational with a bright smile on her face and ended it "beautifully".

Everyone in the audience stood up clapping loudly after hearing her speech. Including her whole superfamily & Friends. After that, all of the seniors threw their caps in the air celebrating finally graduating from *high school* as some stayed talking to their families and companions while others went home to spend time with their loved ones... Isabel, Noah, and their friends with their families gathered *at the Tower* for the "After Party" to celebrate today!

*At the Tower, for the Graduation🎓Party🎊*
*2:35 p.m.*
Everyone was having a good time including, Isabel, Noah, Esme, Jacob, Logan, and Amelia as Brainy and Nia were so proud that their kids had come a long way! And couldn't wait to see what they'll do next... and both had a feeling that it'll probably be something extraordinary.

(Time skipped to *nighttime*)

*7:30 p.m.*
they all started exchanging graduation🎓 gifts🎁and then most of them went home for the night as Isabel, Noah, Esme, and Jacob stayed with their parents making sure that the City was safe for tonight while monitoring any threats happening at night.

*2 hours later*
Isabel was on the balcony gazing up at the night sky🌌in the city🏙looking to the future✨while getting lost in thought💭overthinking what her future & destiny awaits her someday... nothing came to mind. And immediately snapped out of it after hearing Noah's voice calling her that they were ready to go home now. And so she went back into the main room with her brother to not let her doubts cloud her judgement and just enjoy the rest of the night with her family. Besides, who knows maybe her future will be brighter and wonderful! Just like her parent's are now...

~{To be Continued}~*Sorry, short chapter😅. But I hope you enjoyed reading📖this chapter... until next time. Bye👋, for now.*

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