Part 19: Silly papa

Start from the beginning

"Tae, I told you not to give them candy canes so late. Now they are all sugared up."

"Kookie, it's Christmas and candy canes are required," Tae says, and I just shake my head.

Lisa and Sehun laugh.

"Okay children, now have a seat. Papa needs to count his children." They all giggle.

The children all adore Papa Tae. He is playful and very loving. "Okay, now be still." The kids are moving and reaching. "Not yet, Rishi. Wait for papa," I say.

"Okay dada." Rishi says.

Rishi is hyperactive, and I know sitting still and waiting is not easy for him.

"Tae, can you move this along?"

"I'm trying, husband."

I give Rishi a spinner to busy his little hands and help him wait. Little Zahara goes to sit next to him and gives him a hug. She is very loving.

"Okay 1,2,3,4,5, and 6. Wait a minute! Husband, how many children do we have?"

I smile at my beautiful husband.

"We have 5 children, husband."

The children roar with laughter.

"Papa is silly!" Joonjae shouts.

"Wait a minute, didn't I see you over there?" Papa says to Zahara.

"Papa, I go see Dada and baby Ben. I want to see the baby."

"Okay, sweetheart, you stay there with Dada." Tae starts his count again.

"Wait a minute, didn't I just count you?" Tae points to Joonjae.

"No, Papa, you counted Seojae."

They all love Papa's silliness and Rishi falls over in laughter.

"Papa, they itentital!" Rishi says.

"That's identical, baby," I say to Rishi.

"What!? There are two of you!? All this time I thought there was one." The kids again roar with laughter at silly Papa.

Tae finally gets the gifts passed out after his entertainment that we have all come to love. He is the best papa ever. Yep, I continue to find more reasons why I love this man daily.

Tae and I are careful not to spoil the kids with too many toys, although he often breaks that rule. I lovingly smile at him, watching him, knowing how much he loves his children.

The kids are all happy with their gifts. I look over and my three rambunctious boys are eating more candy canes.

"Tae"!" I protest, . He then comes over and kisses me on the cheek.

"Babe, it's Christmas." I smile and kiss his cheek.

Zahara comes over and lays her head on my lap. I give baby Ben to Tae. I then pull my little Ethiopian Princess into my lap.

"Baby, what's wrong? Didn't you get your Christmas wish? Your baby doll is so pretty, and you have ballerina slippers and a tutu."

"But Dada, I ask for a baby sister. A real baby."

"Papa, Zahara didn't get her special gift," I say.

"What, I missed a gift? This is a first for Papa. Everyone settle down, Zahara is missing a gift."

"Tae, what's that way in the back? Is that a gift you missed?"

Little Zahara peps up as Tae retrieves the gift.

"Will you look at this, it's a gift for... let's see. Oh, my goodness. Z-a-h-a-r-a."

"That me. Papa, I Zahara!" She bounces with excitement as her little hands rip the paper off, revealing a beautiful pink picture frame with a photo of a newborn baby girl.

"Dada, is that our new baby girl?!"

"Yes, baby, we will all go get her in 2 weeks. She lives in the Philippines."

"Ooh, she's beautiful, Dada," Zahara says, squeezing me tight.

"It says baby Kim, Zahara," Papa says.

"Dada, where her other name? Where her mommy?" I look into her soft brown eyes.

"When she comes home, we will give her a pretty name."

"Her mommy got sick and is in heaven." I say softly.

"Like my mommy? You and Papa will love her like you love me and baby Ben?"

I look over to Tae who is wiping his eyes.

"Yes, baby. Papa and I will love her like we love all of our children."

Tae clears his throat.

"What, another child! How am I going to feed all these mouths? You kids need jobs!" The boys all fall over laughing.

The laughter of the kids just adds fuel to Tae's silliness.

"What! I can't fit another baby seat in my vehicle." Tae jokes.

"Papa, get a bus!" Seojae says.

"I'm not getting a bus. Buses aren't cool. Wait a minute, which one are you!?"

Our little boys roll about laughing. They then run and tackle Papa. Zahara and I laugh while baby Ben sleeps in my arms.

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