Battle Trial Part 3: It didn't work?!

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There Monoma was, the palm of his hand was pressing hard down on Y/N's face, he was gripping hard on his mask, but no matter how hard he pressed or gripped, he couldn't copy Y/N's quirk at all.

Monoma: 'What... What the hell is this?! Did my quirk stop working?! Did I suddenly forget how this works- No, no... That's impossible, I've done this hundreds of times so how-' He was immediately cut off from his thoughts as Y/N kicked him off

Spider-Man: "Foolish hero! Nothing can hold the Spider-Man down!" Y/N yelled as he was still putting up the Villain act just cause. He brushed himself off, 'I can probably deduce that this guy's quirk can copy other's... That's what happened with Shihai, but... why didn't he copy my quirk?... Strange...' Y/N thought to himself as webbed Monoma to the wall he landed at. "Alright pal, tell me your friends quirk." He said sitting next to him

Monoma: "Why should I tell you?" He chuckled with a smile on his face

Spider-Man: "I could always hang you from the ceiling."

Monoma: "I think I'd be more comfortable there." He said as he smirked more

Spider-Man: "I mean't to say ceiling fan, and I have the remote for it." He said as he pulled out a small remote, the small screen showed that he set it on max speed.

Monoma: ".....U-uh I think I'm actually more comfortable on the wall! My teammate's quirk allows her to split parts of her body!" He yelled at he did not want to be spinning around the room upside down.

Spider-Man: "Heh, thanks!" He said as he began to make giant nets all over the room with his webs.

As Y/N finished the last net, he was met with the sight of Shihai being thrown into the room and caught by one of the nets

Spider-Man: "You good?" He asked looking up at him pretty concerned.

Shihai: "Y-yeah... She's a tough one that's all." He said catching his breath from the throw

Tokage then walked in: "Alright! May the best win huh?" She said cracking her fingers with a grin. She then sent multiple parts of her body flying towards Y/N and the fake nuke, but because it was so dark some of them got caught on the nets.

Shihai immediately began to merge with the darkness as he sped across the room, catching as many parts of her body as he could and throwing them back. Meanwhile Monoma managed to break out of the web, he then lunged himself and Shihai to copy his quirk again. The two then proceed to have another clash in the darkness. Y/N then had to go as fast as he can making more nets because Tokage's hands kept ripping them in half, the entire situation was chaotic.


Sekijiro and the rest of class 1b were all in a surveillance room, the screen was showing what were supposed to be multiple angles of he 3rd floor, but they were all completely dark as only the audio of the chaos unfolding could be heard.

Sekijiro: "Huh, this really is impressive... it really is..." He said to himself with a happy smirked, he was happy because it was nice to see how smart some of his students could be, he also jotted some notes down on where they could improve, mostly for Monoma and Tokage.

Meanwhile everyone else was impressed from hearing the fight alone, they didn't even know what was going on.

Itsuka was sitting on a bench, she was hearing the chaos unfold, it was a bit funny to her. "So, I guess this is just what an average Spider-Man day looks like huh?" She chuckled lightly to herself

My Amazing Spider-Man [My Hero Academia x Spider-Man reader] [ON HIATUS]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang