Working Against The Dead

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(A/N: This chapter contains strong language, blood and gore depictions, and violent actions. I hope you enjoy the story with interest and a great idea of the chapter. Feel free to comment what you think and what you like about the story. If you feel that there are somethings wrong with it, please let me know. Don't forget to vote the story and recommend if you can. I hope you all enjoy it.)


*Knock Knock*

Lying in bed, Izuku looked to the door and back to a sleeping naked Saya on his chest.

Izuku: Haa, sorry bout this.

He says silently as to not wake her, as he lays Saya down on the bed as she moans and turns over on her side. Once he was up Izuku put on his boxers and pants as he walks over to the door and opens it to see Yoshika and Testutaro.


Izuku: Um, hey?

Yoshika: Come with us. Mr. Takagi has asked for your presence.

Testutaro: And get dressed. We'll be standing outside for you.

He told him as Izuku stared at them for a moment before he slowly closed the door. Blinking his eyes for a moment, he just took in what he was just told.

Izuku: "Great, her dad wants to see me. This could be trouble. Though, I wonder what he wants with me?"

He thought to himself.

Walking over back to the table he grabs his shirt as he puts its on. Reaching for his jacket he threw over his shoulders as he slipped his arms in through the sleeves. He then hooked back on the sheathes for his axes as he then grabbed them and placed them on his back. Reaching for his combat knife he sheathed it on the back of his hip in its sheath. Once he was done he put in his socks and then his black combat boots as he tied them up.

After that he grabbed his respirator and bookbag, he walked back towards the door. Before he opened it he looked back at Saya who was still sleeping before twisting the knob to the door and opening it. Seeing Yoshika and Testutaro standing by the door waiting on him.

Testutaro: It's about time. Took you long enough, the boss is ready and he doesn't like to wait so let's go.

He said as he and Yoshika walked off as Izuku closed the door and followed after them. As the three walked down the long hallway passed the living hall, and the dining room. They then stood infront of the door as Yoshika and Testutaro stood to the side.

Yoshika: Go in. He's waiting on you.

He told him, as Izuku looked at them and then to the door as he placed his hand on the door and pushed it open as he walked in. As he stood in the office the air was strong as it surrounded Souichiro who sat behind his desk. Staring forward he looked at Izuku who stood in the middle of the floor.

Izuku: Mr. Takagi, you wanted to see me sir?

He asked him.

As if he was staring into his soul, judging him as if he committed some kind of crime. He examined him from head to toe, looking at how well built he was. Noticing his outfit choice and the weapons he chooses to use, he stared at his prosthetic arm. The metal arm that was in the place of fleshy arm.

Souichiro: You may be questioning why I summoned you here. Yes?

He asked stoically, as Izuku responded with a nod.

Souichiro: Hmph. As you know I am apart of the Tokonosu prefecture. I run this entire estate with all of the refugees I have here staying for safety from the outside. In order to do so I have people who work at the power plants manage the electricity that comes in to my home. But that's not all that I do.

We Take The Risk No-one else Takes (HOTDxIzuku crossover)Where stories live. Discover now