Chapter 22

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Robin woke up before Nancy. She got ready for work and wrote a quick note it read "Hey had to go to work dropped off the kids and can you pick them up after school I can't pick them up today" She then woke up holly and Matthew. Then made them some quick eggos before going out the door. Robin dropped Matthew "Have a good day good luck" "Ok thanks dad bye" Matthew said then ran off. Then Robin drove to Holly's school. "Hey Robin" "Yeah Holly" "Can I tell you something" "Yeah sure what's up" The bell rang meaning they were opening the school doors. "I heard you and Nancy last night you two are not quiet especially Nancy she moans loud" Holly said then opened the car door "Bye Robin" "Uhh bye holly"

"Ughhh work is so boring" robin complained "It's not that boring" "You can't be talking you try to flirt with girls and fail really bad" "your love life is worse than mine" "Steve I think you forgot I'm engaged with the love of my life and have two kids you on the other hand have a new girlfriend each week and I'm two years younger than you" "Fuck you Robin" Steve said Robin followed him to the back room "I'm sorry little Stevie boi how about I take you to any restaurant on Saturday" "With dessert" "Yes dessert too" "Alright I'm happy again" Robin laughed to herself.

"Ahoy welcome to scoops ahoy what would you like" robin said "Hello can I please get two chocolate milkshakes" "Ok it's going to take a bit the blender needs to be cleaned" "That's ok" "Can I get a name so I can call you when it's ready" "Yeah it's Sam" That's when a girl walked over to Sam "Hey I'm going to wash my hands" the girl said "Alright" Sam responses "You on a date with her" "Yeah it's our first date and her names Amelia she's really nice" "Oh wow good luck you know what the milkshakes are on the house because that's my fiancé's friend" "Ok thanks what's your name" "Robin" "Thanks Robin" Sam said then walked to the table. Robin cleaned the blender fast and made the shakes. "Sam" That's when sam walked up to the counter and got the shakes "You got this" "thanks Robin" while serving others Robin saw Amelia and Sam flirting they had finished their shakes. Robin saw Amelia kiss Sam on the cheek and Sam put her arm around Amelia. Sam looks back to see Robin cheering her on and smiles.

Nancy's pov

Robin went to work as usual and took holly and Matthew to school. While Nancy took care of Andrew but Nancy had to pick up the kids because Robin said she couldn't today it was strange but Nancy didn't say anything. But what really pissed her off was that Robin came home three hours after her shift and was covering her neck and arms with a hoodie. "Where the hell have you been" Nancy said really angry "Hey what did you say about getting mad at me" "Sorry but where were you" Nancy said in a soft voice "I was with Steve" "Tell the truth" "Ok fine take off my hoodie" Nancy took off robin's hoodie she saw that Robin had got tattoos on her left arm she had a Ronaldo doing the siuu move and on her shoulder a Real Madrid logo. On her right arm a tattoo sleeve with Nancy's favorite flowers and their anniversary date. Then on Robin's neck a tattoo of a kiss and next to it a heart that had Nancy Wheeler in it "You mom's gonna kill you" Nancy said "I don't think your parents are going to like me anymore" Robin joked

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