Chapter 16

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"Hey Matthew take care of Andrew we will be back" Robin said "OK dad" Robin grabbed her keys and she went to the school with Nancy. "Hello how may i help you" "Hi we would like to in role our son" "Ok do you have your ids on you" "Yes" "May i see them" Robin and Nancy handed their ids to the front desk lady. "OK please fill out this Information sheet" "OK" Nancy and Robin filled out the sheets "Here you go" "Thank you your child can come to school on tomorrow school starts at 7:30 and ends at 1:45" "OK thank you bye"

"Hey babe can we go to my parents house" Robin said "Ok sure we have to hurry tho" "ok" They got to Robin's parents house. "Wait here I'm going to get something" Robin said 30 minutes later a motorcycle came out the back and robin had a backpack with two lumps in it she also had a helmet on it covered all her head. "I'm gonna ride this home you take the car" Robin said "ok" They got home and Matthew and his friends were outside. Also Andrew was there Nancy pulled up in the driveway and then Robin pulled up. Robin turned off the motorcycle and got off she also took her helmet off. "Hey guys Matthew we in rolled you I'm dropping you off tomorrow you have to wake up at 6" "Ok where did you get the motorcycle from" "I had it at my parents house I forgot about it until the other day I used to ride this around in high school" "Woah" "Here you go I got you a helmet"

"Can you take us home please" Matthew friends said "Yeah sure where do you guys live" "We are brothers and we live at 3142 Mirkwood drive" "Alright I will be back Nance please take care of Andrew" Robin drove all Matthew's friends home "Here's 20 dollars Matthew" "For what dad" "For taking care of Andrew" "Alright thanks" Robin and Matthew got home "ok Matthew Andrew bedtime" "Alright dad" "ok mama" Robin and Nancy put Andrew to bed then Said good night to him and Matthew. Then went to cuddle in their room.

"Remember how our first date went" Robin said "Yeah it's was fun" "We talked about random stuff like what we wanted to do in the future i'm happy i get to see my future with you, Andrew and Matthew" "Me too remember when i kissed you at my door steps" "Yeah" "Mike was looking out the window waiting for me to get home he saw us kiss he starting singing Nancy and Robin sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g then i told him isn't that what you do with will he turned red and ran to his room" Nancy and robin were laughing "I'm kinda tired i'm going to bed good night baby" Robin said "Me too good night" "Love you Nancy" "Love you too Robin" first Nancy fell asleep in Robin's arms then a few minutes later. "Aw shit man" Matthew said but nobody heard.

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