Chapter 20

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Matthew ran up to his room. "I'm going to talk to him" Robin said letting go of Nancy and walking up stairs. Robin walked to Matthew's room slowly that when she heard a noise from Andrew's room.She walked over and opened the door slowly. "Little Andy you alright" Robin called out softly. "Andrew's paw toy break" "How did it break" "Andrew and holly was playing toys and toy fall down bed fast then it break" Andrew said with sadness in his voice "How about we go to the store and we find things to fix your toy" "ok Holly let go"

They went down stairs and Robin grabbed the keys "So did you talk to him" "What Matthew no sorry Andrew's toy broke and we're going to the store to get glue to fix it we will be back in a bit" "ok" Robin,Andrew and holly went to the store. So Nancy decided to take a nap in her room.

Meanwhile with Robin she had to make sure Andrew or holly didn't wander off. She quickly grabbed the glue then she asked holly and Andrew if they wanted anything. Andrew chose his favorite chips and Holly got some cookies. Robin payed then they drove home that's when they passed by a Animal shelter

"Mama what that" Andrew asked "That's a Animal shelter that's where they have dogs for adoption" "Can we go please" Robin looked in the mirror that faced Andrew he was making puppy eyes robin was the type of person who could never say no to puppy eyes "ok we can go" robin said as she turned to go to the animal shelter. They went in and looked at all the dogs and cats. "Mama can we get one" "ummm" "please" Andrew said doing puppy eyes again "Umm ok sure" They picked out a puppy German Shepherd. Robin signed some forms and payed. They went back to the car "Thank u mama" "No problem bubby" They went home and Andrew and holly played with the puppy.

"Where's mommy" Andrew asked "I don't know let's go look" They went upstairs and found Nancy sleep. Andrew ran up to her and tapped her on the face "Mommy mommy did you die" Nancy woke up "She not died" Andrew said happy. That's when the puppy came upstairs barking happily. "Robin why the hell is there a dog in the house" "So we drove by a animal shelter and Andrew did puppy eye I couldn't say no so we went in to look and he asked if we could get one I was going to say no but then he did the puppy eyes again and you know I'm a sucker for puppy eyes" "We really need to help you say no more" "Well it isn't my fault Andrew is adorable with puppy eyes"

"Are you going to talk to Matthew" "Right I'm going now" robin walked to Matthew's room "Hey Matthew could I talk to you" "What" "I'm ask you one question" "ok" "did you win the fight" "Hell yeah I did" "That's my boy but listen if you get mad you can't be calling your mom that kind of shit ok" "ok dad" "Ok so I'm going to talk to your mom when I talk to her take the PlayStation and the Games down to the basement you can play there" "ok thank dad"

"Hey baby I talk to him about everything and he is grounded for ummm a month" "Ok this puppy is so cute" "Cuter than me?" "No still not ask cute as you" "Good" Nancy gives Robin a kiss and that's when the puppy barked because Nancy stop petting him. "What should we name him Andrew" "Alfie" When Andrew said Alfie the dog started to jump and bark "I think he likes the name Alfie" "I going to go downstairs and play on my PlayStation ok babe" Robin said "Ok don't get to mad" "No promises bye"

Robin start to play Call of duty she was really good at it and gets a bit to happy. "Haha your dog shit" Robin says as she got a kill that's when Andrew walked down stairs "Mama what's dog shit" "Ask mommy" "ok" Andrew walks upstairs "Mommy what's dog shit" Nancy walks down stairs "Robin Buckley" "What's up babe" "Stop teaching Andrew bad words" "He was bond to hear them like he heard you say you know what" "Ok fair but stop beefing with 13 years olds on the game" "Haha you getting in trouble by your girlfriend" Said a kid on the game "At least i pull bitches" "ROBIN BUCKLEY" "Damn called down" After the match finished robin went to the kitchen to find Nancy Making dinner. She went and hugged her from behind "I'm sorry" "it's ok next time I will be more clam"

(Andrew never got the answer to his question what does dog shit mean 😔)

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