Chapter 2

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Later that day, back at Tori's house, Trina found Tori on the couch, her head in a pillow.

"Hey, Tori, can I borrow ten bucks?" Trina pleaded. "Brad asked me out and I'm basically broke."

Tori looked up at her sister and rolled her eyes. "Fine," she groaned. "It's in the purse. Take as much as you'd like."

"Sure?" Trina asked strangely, taking only ten dollars from Tori's purse. "You sure you're feeling alright?"

Tori ignored this question. "Suit yourself," Trina shrugged before leaving her sister be and making her way upstairs.

Just then the doorbell rang.

"Ugh, coming!" Tori said, almost angrily. Trina continued up the stairs, leaving Tori to answer the door. Andre, Robbie, Cat and Beck stood outside. "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Tori asked them.

"We want to talk to you about something," Cat said, sweetly.

"Can we come in?" Robbie asked, peering inside.

"Sure," Tori answered. As they all came in, they took seats on the couch. "So, what's up?"

"So, what's this I hear about the argument you've had with Jade?" Andre asked curiously.

"So that's what's bothering you!" Trina shrieked as she came downstairs. "Tori, you should have told me."

"Sorry, Trina," Tori frowned apologetically. "I have this audition for a movie. I was really psyched about it! But then Jade tore the copy of my sheet music I was gonna use for my audition. I've just had it with Jade harassing me all the time." She buried her face in her hands with a grunt.

"Aw, come on, you've put up with Jade before, Tori," Andre said.

"Why should this be any different?" Beck asked, prompting a slight glare from Tori. "Never mind, don't answer that."

"Or maybe check the e-mail? Maybe you could print another copy," Andre suggested.

"Yeah I know. It's better than trying to buy another copy since Trina's been borrowing money from me all month," Tori said, shooting a cold stare at her sister. Tori quickly went on her laptop and looked at the e-mail and clicked on the file to notice it was still printable. "Hmm, well what do you know; alright, I'm going to print another copy right now. I've got three days until this audition."

"No worries, we can help you with practicing. Can't we?" Andre said, hoping to get support from everyone in the room.

"You'll really do that?" Tori asked, genuinely surprised.

"On one condition however," Andre added. Tori looked at him. "Don't let Jade get to you."

Tori waited for a moment and looked at everyone in the room. "I can't promise," she muttered. "I've just been rethinking everything about Hollywood Arts to be honest. What if I'm not honestly meant to be there? Who am I to be an actress or a singer? I'm just Tori Vega."

"You're our Tori Vega," Cat said, patting Tori on the shoulder. "Want us to help you get ready for the audition?"

"Yes," Tori admitted with a nod.

"All right, you guys help Tori prepare for the audition," Beck muttered before adding, "I'll go deal with Jade."

Tori updated her status on TheSlap which read: "Preparing for the audition... again! - MOOD = Hopeful?".

The Broken VegaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora