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Private chat.

Oh shiii


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only4hyunjinnie || chans.lapt0p

Does he like me?






I fucked up

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criss.cross_ || chans.lapt0p
apple sauce                               

Kylo hates me
Peter probably does as well

No he doesn't
Don't think that

Didn't he tell Kylo?

Apparently not
I'm knocking on his room door but he's not opening

It's my fault
I didn't mean to reveal his crush
I'm sorry

Hey it's not your fault

But it kinda is
I'm just a problem

don't you EVER think that, okay?
You are not a problem
You didn't mean it
And you're a wonderful friend
You put everyone in front of yourself and make sure to do everything you can to make them feel happy and loved
I feel honoured to have you as one of my friend
Because you are perfect

You just said that because you pity me
I should just kms
It would make them happy

chans.lapt0p went offline


Saena sighed before she threw her phone to the other side of the room.  Tears started building up in her eyes and she kept repeating "I'm sorry I'm sorry" over and over.

She walked to the bathroom and searched the cabinets before finding something she didn't touch in a while.

A razor.

She pulled up her sleeve and gently placed the razor on her skin. But before she could do anything the doorbell rang. Quickly wiping her tears she went to open the door and saw none other than Kylo standing there, a bag of chocolate in his hands.

Saena looked into his eyes and saw the slight redness in them. She opened her arms for a hug and the younger male immediately did so.

They stayed like that in the hug for a minute or two before Kylo pulled away and welcomed himself into the house. Saena chuckled and closed the front door before she walked over to the living room couch where the younger was seated.

"It's the middle of January and there's no ice cream in the stores so I bought chocolate." Kylo said as he ripped open a bar of chocolate, taking a bite.

"Why does love hurt so much.." he mumbled as a tear fell from his eye.

Saena felt guilt building up inside of her.

"It's not your fault." Kylo said and turned to the female. He set the half eaten chocolate bar on the table and hugged her again. This time he started crying

"I texted him but he's not answering.." Kylo sobbed. Saena couldn't do anything and just stroked his back comfortingly. With one hand and the younger sobbing in her other one she took her phone.

private messages
criss.cross_ || chans.lapt0p
apple sauce                               

Can you please tell Peter to text Kylo?
He's sobbing in my arms worried sick for him
delivered 4:04pm


"Ky?" Saena asked after a few minutes of the younger crying. He managed to calm down and hummed whilst laying in the female's chest. "Do you love Peter?" She asked cautiously

"Mhm" Kylo hummed, too tired to say yes. "But I'm scared of love.." he groggily admitted

"Ky listen... Jason is in the past. He was and still is a dick so forget about him. Peter is a kind-hearted person and much better than Jason. I can promise you that" she comforted

"Thanks, I love you." Kylo gave her a genuine smile, his tears have stopped long ago but his eyes were still puffy. Saena smiled back

"Sorry, I love Chan" she joked and the male laughed.

"No you love Jaemin" he said and that made Saena's face turn bright red.

"No I don-" she was cut off by a notification on the phone. Kylo sighed and took out his phone, looking at his inbox.

1 new message from cheesecak3.4life


This sucks and I'm tired.
I'm sorry.
I also need to write my Hyunjin story but I have no motivation. :/

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