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After that, another hooded person walks up to the platform and throws their hood to show a blonde version of Bill Weasley.

Louis: Just so you know I'm the last. My name is Louis Weasley Delacour and I'm 18.

George: 3 kids, eh Bill?

Bill: Shut up. Continue Louis.

Louis: Thanks dad. I will say that I don't come with surprises as my sisters. I went to Gryffindor.

At hearing this, the Gryffindor table explodes in cheers and Molly Weasley whispered.

Molly: Finally, a proper Weasley grandson.

Her son, Bill, had heard her, but as he already knew how his mother can be, he decided to let her be. One day, her misleads would bite her.

Louis: I was neither the Head Boy nor a Prefect and my favorite subjects were Charms and Transfiguration.

At this, Louis turns around to look at his future Headmistress, who doubled as Transfiguration teacher, and smiled at her, which was returned.

Louis: Do you have any questions?

He asks after turning to the Great Hall again.

Charlie: Who are your godparents?

Louis: Well, at the request of mom, my godparents are Uncle Harry and his partner.

Harry looks to Fleur surprised, but the french girl just smiles at him. The girl knows that it is probably because he saved her sister and they became friends in the future.

Harry: Thanks, Fleur and Bill.

The two future parents return his greetings and then turn to look at their future son.

Fleur: Where do you work, dear?

Louis smiles at his mother, who always calls him like that, and replies.

Louis: I'm currently going for my Transfiguration master and I hope to become the new Transfiguration teacher here in Hogwarts.

McGonagall looks surprised at her future student, as she had never had a student that wanted to become a teacher of Transfiguration at Hogwarts, but smiles pleased.

Bill: I hope you get it.

Louis: Thanks dad.

Bill nods at his son with a smile.

Louis: Any more questions?

Random: Do you have a girlfriend, handsome?

Louis: Uhm, gross and no, did you not listen to my sisters? I am part Veela too, so as them I will only be with my mate, who I have not found yet.

With that, Louis walks out of the platform and goes to hug his dad, favorite uncles and his godfather, before going to sit with his sisters, mother and aunt.

Dumbledore: Well, that was the last presentation of today. We will continue tomorrow.

With that, Dumbledore leaves hurriedly and if someone had been watching they would have seen that Molly, Ginny and Ron Weasley together with Hermione Granger had followed him.

Harry: Where are you staying?

He asks his future children.

SJ: It's a room that you won't know until next year but I guess that the visitors are going to be staying there too, so I will bring them there. Bye, m-dad.

Harry thought that it was strange how his children seems to be wanting to call him another way but he just let it slide.

He then sees his future daughter going to the Malfoys, probably to bring them to that other room, as Sirius' daughter seems to want to stay with her 'mother'.

Harry turns to look at his friends but sees that they are gone, so he decides to go with Neville.

Harry: Hey, Nev. Do you think that you will have children too?

Neville, startled that Harry talked to him, jumps a little but then calms down when he sees his friend.

Neville: I don't think anyone would want to be with me.

Harry: Don't say that. I'm sure that you will find love someday too. I worried about that too, because most people seem to only see my 'fame'.

Neville: Well, you are a Veela. You won't have that problem.

Harry: I don't really understand that.

Neville: Think of it as soulmates.

Harry: I see.

After that conversation, they go to Gryffindor tower together meeting with Dean and Seamus in the way.

Meanwhile, in Dumbledore's office.

Molly: Why did the girl say that Harry's wife is a Slytherin? He has to marry my daughter!

Ginny: Exactly! You said that Harry would be mine!

Dumbledore is also having a little crisis, but then stops to think a bit.

Dumbledore: Maybe you are really his wife, but they are playing a joke. I mean, if they wanted to make it easy, the older Potter spawn would have said that you are their mother.

The two Weasley woman, stop to think about it and agree that this is what it probably is.

Hermione: What if it's because Potter's spells stopped working?

Dumbledore: That's impossible. I renew them twice a year and unless he went to Gringotts, which we make sure that it wouldn't be possible, he wouldn't even know about the spells and without his heir ring he can't stop the spells or potions from working.

Hermione nods and the five decide to end the meeting before someone notices that they are gone.

Next day, Great Hall, Hogwarts

Everyone was already sitting in their places, with some of the future children that had already gone now sitting beside their other parents.

Then, two hooded people walked into the platform which made everyone wonder why they were going together and then they throw their hood off showing red-haired twin girls, one with straight hair and one with her hair curled.

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