Leo Regulus

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Next day, Great Hall, Hogwarts

Harry, Hermione and Ron are entering the Great Hall when they see some unexpected visitors.

Ron: Mom, dad, what are you doing here?

Harry: Professor Lupin?

Molly: We don't know, Dumbledore called us to come.

Harry looks at Remus and then at seeing a black Grimm, he runs to it and hugs it.

Harry: Snuffles, I missed you.

Apart from the matriarch and patriarch of the Weasley family and Sirius and Remus, there were also the rest of the Weasley siblings, Mrs. and Mr. Malfoy, Andromeda Tonks, Ted Tonks and Nymphadora Tonks.

The Weasleys, the Tonks and Remus decided to sit at the Gryffindor table near Harry, Hermione and Ron, with Snuffles next to them. Meanwhile, the Malfoys sat next to their son in Slytherin.

Some people also noticed that there was an extra table, where the hooded strangers from the day before were sitting.

When everyone had arrived, Dumbledore decides to speak.

Dumbledore: Good morning, you might be wondering why I called some of you here and who this people are?

Sounds of agreement could be heard around the Great Hall.

Dumbledore: Well, some of you might recognize them as the people who yesterday fall of the ceiling and I'm glad to announce that these are some of your kids from the future.

Harry: Our kids from the future? Is that possible?

Hermione: I heard that sometimes broken time-turners can make you time-travel several years, maybe that's what happened.

Harry nods in agreeement and turns again at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore: Now, I decided that they could introduce themselves to you so we could avoid some things in the future. But, first of all, Mr. Black could you turn to your human form?

At that, Sirius transforms into himself and after doing that the Great Hall enters in panic, until Dumbledore shouts quiet.

Dumbledore: I will like to say that Mr. Black will not be doing anything to you and that he is innocent and was wrongly imprisioned.

After saying this, the people start to relax and listen to Dumbledore again.

Dumbledore: Now, how are you going to do this?

He looks at the hooded people while he transfigures a platform in front of the teachers table.

???: We decided to go from older to younger.

Dumbledore: Okay, you can start then.

Then a hooded person starts to make their way to the platform, from the way they walked it could be said that it was a male.

Hermione: I wonder who will be the first one?

When he arrives at the platform, he throws his hood away and everyone at the hall gasped.


Harry Potter fainted.

???: Can someone wake my father up?

And what can anyone say, it was very obvious who is his father. The person in the platform looked as the Boy-Who-Lived, except he was taller and insted of having a nest of a hair, he had short curly black hair.

Hermione: I will do it. Aguamenti.

With that Harry Potter woke up.

Harry: That wasn't necessary, Hermione.

???: Well, now that my father is awake I will start.

At this Harry remembers why he fainted and looks at the platform at his future son.

Leo: My name is Leo Regulus Potter, as you can see I'm Harry Potter's firstborn.

Sirius: Regulus?

Leo: Yes, uncle Sirius.

Harry: Who is your mother?

Leo: I'm not the one that will be telling you, sorry.

Harry: It's okay, I'll wait, you can continue.

Leo: Thanks. I'm 26 years old and, well, I will be born next year really.

At this, Harry paled, he will be a father with 15 or 16 years old, in a year.

Sirius: Wow, Harry, I didn't know you would be like that.

Ron: I don't know if I should be happy or upset beacuse you got my sister pregnant so young?

Harry: Your sister?

Molly: Well, dear, it's obvious that you will be marrying Ginny in the future.

Harry: We don't know and until they confirm it, I will not assume anything.

At the Slytherin table.

Pansy: I never knew that Potter could get someone pregnant that young.

Daphne: I know what you mean, he is very innocent.

Draco: Well, it seems that there is another Potter, I hope that there won't be a lot of them.

Leo: I will continue. When I was in Hogwarts, I was member of the House of Slytherin.

At this, the Hall got silent. Everyone was thinking: A Potter? In Slytherin?

Draco: Potter's son in Slytherin?

Blaise: That's surprising.

Ron: Mate, if I was you I would be desinheriting him.

Harry: Ron, I will not desinherit my son, because he is in Slytherin. Leo, you can continue.

Leo: Thanks dad. As my father I was the seeker of the Slytherin Quidditch Team.

The Quidditch fanatics clap.

Leo: My favourite subjects were DADA and Charms and I really hated Divination.I was prefect and Head Boy and my godparents are Sirius Black and Luna Lovegood.

Sirius and Luna thank Harry.

Hermione: Why didn't you name us as his godparents, Harry?

Harry: I don't know.

Leo: I think that I'm finished. Questions?

Harry: Where do you work now?

Leo: I knew I was forgetting something. I'm currently the Head of the Inefables.

Sirius: You must be really good, for someone that young to already be the Head.

Leo: Thanks Uncle Sirius.

Draco: Did Potter really name you after his house?

At this, Harry turned to glare at Malfoy.

Leo: Um, no. Actually, my father wanted to follow the tradition of the Black Family, and since Regulus is the brighter star of the Leo constellation, he named me like this.

Draco: Oh.

Girl: Do you have a girlfriend?!

Leo: Actually, I'm married and I have a kid.

Harry: Who is it?

Leo: You will know her later.

Harry nods.

Leo: Well, since there isn't anymore questions, see you.

With this Leo leaves the platform, goes to hug Luna and then goes to sit with his father.

A little later, the next hooded person arrives at the platform and when he takes his hood, two fireworks explode making an S and a J.

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