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2022, Ministry of Magic, London, Britain

As tradition of every year families from all around Britain are reunited in the Ministry to celebrate the fall of Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998. Some of these families being of important people in the battle, as are the Blacks, Malfoys, some of the Weasleys and others.

But, not all is happiness in this day, because those families and some of the others have a huge grudge with the families of the rest of the Weasleys, Molly, Ron, Hermione and Ginny. They don't show it but the those four and their kids and grankids always try to bring down the other families. That's why some of the kids want to get a little revenge.

Sirius James: Oi, Weasley. What's this?

As SJ says this, he takes the time-turner that Rosebud Weasley-Granger was holding and shows it to his friends and siblings.

Rosebud: Black return my time-turner now, before I tell my parents.

Sirius James: Yeah sure, here you go.

With that SJ thows the time-turner to Fred and he throws it at George, but when George was about throw it to SJ again, Rose punches George and the time-turner falls in the ground breaking.

When the time-turner breaks, all the 3rd generation disappear without leaving a trace.

1995, Great Hall, Hogwarts

The Triwizard Tournament had ended two weeks ago and with that the death of Cedric Diggory and the resurrection of the Dark Lord Voldemort.

A day before the other schools had left to return to their own schools. Beuxbatons leaving Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour behind because their parents had asked.

There is still two weeks left before leaving for the Summer Holidays. Currently all of the Houses, the professors and the two invited girls are in the Great Hall eating dinner, when suddenly a lot of people fall from the ceiling.

???: Black! What the hell did you do now?

At this a certain green-eyed boy with a strange lightning-shaped scar looked up at the intruders, having recognized his godfather's surname, but for some strange reason a black cape had appeared in every one of them, making it impossible to recognize who is who.

????: Me? It was you who punched George and throw the time-turner, Weasley.

With this said, some more people got interested in what was happening.

Dumbledore: Can you perhaps tell us who are you?

????: Huh, Dumbledore? What year is this?

Dumbledore: It's currently 1995.

After Dumbledore had said that, the hooded intruders starting muttering about what was happening. They were in the past!

????: Can we talk in private Director Dumbledore?

Dumbledore: Of course. You can continue eating!

Having said that Dumbledore and the hooded person go to Dumbledore's office.

Dumbledore: So... Who are you?

??: Well, you see professor, we are from 2022. There was an accident with a time-turner and we ended up here. And, well, we are some of this generation's kids.

Dumbledore: Hmmm, I see. Why don't you introduce yourselves?

??: What do you mean, sir?

Dumbledore: Well, some things happened two weeks ago, so I think that this could lift some people's mood and we can prevent some thing of happening, too.

At this the hooded people began to talk with each other, leaving some of them behind, until they reached an agreement.

??: Okay, we will do it. But you will have to bring some people too.

Having said that, the hooded person write a list of the people they needed and give it to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore: Okay, we will begin tomorrow after breakfast. You can stay in the Room of Requirement if you know where it is.

The 3rd generation knowing exactly where it is only nodded and then proceeded to leave to get a  well rest to prepare for the next day.

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