The Pandemic Job

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It's been twelve hours since we put him on lockdown. It was morning by this point. Cellphone jammer and his hotel phone only goes where we want it too. We've seen him on the cameras pacing back and forth.

The rash was the hardest one to make happen, but we put various things in the sheets, the towels, it wasn't perfect but it worked. We messed with the temperature in the room, the thermostat read 80's but the room was in the 50's at this point. He was starting to break. The dots connecting in his mind.  Finally he turned on the tv to catch another of Parker's broadcasts.

"The CDC is currently refusing to comment on the current Situation happened at the Pembroke hotel in downtown LA. Inside sources tell us there have already been two deaths. It's unknown currently whether it has been contained to the hotel. More news as the story develops." Parker's  voice rang out. Except this time a fake blister were present on her arm along with a little sweating. Just to add to the paranoia. He was really starting to believe the world could be ending.

Nate sat watching the cameras from our room on the 7th floor. We all sat in nervous anticipation of Moroes actions. Nate was confident, drunk but confident. My anxiety was off the charts. I'm terrified it won't work. If this doesn't work I will kill him. But then I don't get any answers.

Elliot delivered a meal to the door, taking his temperature as he complained and threatened lawsuits. Elliot did good sticking to character. Moroe angrily took the food and surrendered back to his tiny prison. He was getting more and more scared. Like a rat in a cage.

"I think he'll be ready to break by tonight." Nate said sipping his spiked coffee from a hotel cup.

"Nate, you better be right." I said leaning back on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

"What are you plans after this job?" Nate asked as it was just he and I in the room.

"I was hoping you could find room for me, I'm not a half bad grifter, and ask Elliot, I can handle myself in a fight. I might be useful." I said turning my head to look at him. Still unmoving from my spot.

"The rest of the team has to sign off on it." He responded.

"I know." I quietly said.

"What's going on with you and Elliot?" He questioned as he leaned forward in his chair.

"Less complicated things than you and Sophie. If you have your privacy so does he." I said eliciting a face that I couldn't distinguish from anger or fear.

"Alright Moroe is about to break." Sophie said walking in with the rest of the team saving me from the conversation at hand.

"What did we just walk in on?" Hardison asked sitting down next to me, Parker climbing over me before I sat up.

Sophie just gave me a look signaling she knew. Her eyes glaring at Nate. Everyone in the room has already noticed the wedge between them. No one truly knowing though.

"Kara wants to join the team." Nate said turning his stare back to me.

"I'm cool with it." Hardison said as Parker grabbed my arm.

"I wanna keep her." She said with a pouty face, she's my favorite. I won't even lie.

"Elliot?" Nate raised an eyebrow to him.

"I'm not against it." Elliot responded as he looked over to me.

"Sophie?" Nate finally answered. The first time he'd spoken to her directly in weeks.

"I like Kara, she has potential with a little help." Sophie said walking over to me and brushing my hair out of my face. I've grown attached to her. She's like the older sister I've never had.

THE ENFORCER (leverage fan fic) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now