Enter the studio

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"I'm bored!" Samukai proclaimed as he stretched his arms. "I've been observing the game multiverse for over 2.6 billion years! I need to do something before I go insane!" He exclaimed as he turned to the Multiversal barrier to see if it could give him any ideas.

"Hmm, I see Kido has taken the MHA universe to watch the MCU but had to take a break to deal with the repercussions of making a combo battle-verse on a whim. Huh... At least he had the decency to request over people to watch over the MHA cast." Samukai said before an idea struck him.

A sly smile formed on his face as he quickly began scouring the Multiverse to see if anyone had shared a similar idea to him. Fortunately, he couldn't find anything of the sort... Aside from the strange entity, who decided to make teams RWBY and JNPR play both Assassin's Creed and Devil May Cry but other than that no one had the excellent idea of dragging video game characters to play their own games as well as others.

"That's good... That's very good...." He said before looking over the universes he planned to use. "Hmm, I can't bring them all in at the same time... Hmmph, I guess I'll have to add them during the breaks instead." With that said, Samukai raised his hands and began to create the best gaming theater he could imagine but not before making an enormous world for the visitors to explore should they desire it during their breaks. Of course, him being himself, he decided to make it a futuristic design with a black and red colour scheme.

 Of course, him being himself, he decided to make it a futuristic design with a black and red colour scheme

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"Ahh, perfect! Now to design the interior." He said as he entered the building and snapped his fingers.

" He said as he entered the building and snapped his fingers

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"Okay... That's the gaming area finished. Now I just need to sort out the lunch area, the rest area, the collection area and the break area." He said as he wiped his forehead. "Man.... This is going to be a pain!" He exclaimed. 'I don't know how everyone else did it so easily!' He thought to himself as he bitterly recalled seeing how Kiddo created and entire area in his own person design with relative ease whereas he had to go around and manly design everything one at a time. It's just so unfair!

Eventually, Samukai had finally finished constructing everything. Stepping back to admire his work, he whistled, "Now that is one gorgeous reaction world."

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