Chapter 23: Line in the Sand

Start from the beginning

"Look, we'll try calling and emailing Rob again," John offered, his eyes meeting Linsey's worried gaze. "You know Rob, if he is in trouble he will find a way to talk himself out of it. He'll be ok, we'll track him down."

"Alright," Linsey sighed, her shoulders sagging slightly. "But please, let me know if you hear anything from him."

"Of course," Zack agreed, giving her a reassuring nod.

As Linsey left the locker room, Coach Reynolds approached Zack, his usually gruff demeanor softening. "I need you on the court, Dawson," he said, his voice heavy with emotion. "You know I yell a lot, but it's only because I care. I don't hate any of you guys – well, except Eric, because... he's Eric." He chuckled dryly before continuing, "Improve your grades, kid. Next season will be a bust without you."

Zack nodded, he knew he had let things slip this year but he promised himself he would do better. "I will, Coach. I promise."

Once the locker room had emptied, Zack approached Rob's locker, determination written across his face. With a swift movement, he ripped the door off its hinges, revealing the contents inside. "John," he called out, holding up one of Rob's shirts. "We're going to track him by aura. Grab a shoe or something."

"Got it," John said, grabbing a worn-out shoe from the bottom of the locker. They began to focus in on Rob's aura until a stronger darker aura filled the room

Both John and Zack's gaze were drawn to the doorway as Ethel and Kyle appeared, the pair seemed chummy as they entered. Surprise flickered across Zack's face as he stared at Kyle, his mind taking him back to the night they sealed Gluttony away.

"How the hell did you get out?" Zack remarked cautiously, eyes narrowing.

"What can I say, I am full of surprises," Kyle replied with a smirk. Zack prepared for a standoff with the sin, his claws slowly extended as the sin watched with a smirk.


In the dark and damp parish basement, Rob wandered over to Olivia and reached out a hand toward her, only to receive a sharp shock that sent him stumbling backward. Pablo entered the room, watching Rob fall to the floor, "And here I was thinking you were the smart one. Those wires aren't just for show, they are keeping them from using their abilities. I am halfway to wiping out the covenant responsible for Abby's death, unfortunately, these two are hardwired not to turn on their Supreme. They aren't like us, they can't see reason."

Rob bristled, anger flaring within him. "And the reason for kidnapping me would be?" he spat, defiance burning in his dark brown eyes. "Zack will never help you now. And before you go saying he will have to or he will never see me again, he will find no matter what you do to me. He would find me even if you buried me six feet under in a lead-lined box, at the North Pole."

"An interesting picture you paint," Pablo mused as he crossed his arms over his chest, his expression unreadable. "But once again you are jumping to conclusions. I have every intention of letting you go, you're not a disgusting monster like them."

"Then what do you want from me?" Rob asked, desperation seeping into his voice. "You brought me here for something,"

"I just need you to send a message for me." With a cold laugh, Pablo delivered a powerful backhand across Rob's face, followed by a series of brutal punches. As Rob's vision blurred and pain overwhelmed him, the last thing he saw before slipping into unconsciousness was Pablo's cold, satisfied smirk.


Zack kept his eyes locked on Kyle as if she were about to launch a full-scale attack on him. His thoughts were stormy with suspicion as he wondered if Ethel had somehow let him out of his otherworldly prison.

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