Chapter 12

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"I can't believe you invited Changbin, we were supposed to be going on this trip to get away from boy drama! And because you invited him, it was impossible for me to say no to Jisung and we are right back where we started. Surrounded by the men that we can't have." Minho yelled as he and Felix drove to pick Changbin and Jisung up at their place.

"I already said I was sorry like a million times hyung! You heard Changbin hyung, he so obviously wanted to be invited... Let's try and think of the bright side to them tagging along." Felix said.

"Like what?" Minho asked, as they parked in front of their apartment. It was only a few minutes away but they needed the car to drive to the bathhouse.

"Well, we love them, they are our best friends, so we are bound to have a fun time." Felix replied.

"Yeah I guess... And we will get to see them naked so that's a plus. Not that we haven't seen glimpses of everyone during costume changes and living together but this is gonna be full frontal nudity." Minho said with a devious grin and suggestive eyebrow wiggle.

"Oh my God... We are going to see them naked... Hyung! We are going to be naked around them!" Felix yelled.

"Uh huh? What's the problem?" Minho asked casually.

"What if we get like... turned on by their bodies or something?..." Felix asked nervously.

"Yongbok, I am not a 16 year old hormonal little boy, I think I can keep my composure." Minho scoffed.

"I don't know if I can! Lately I have been feeling so horny all the time! Like I'm going through puberty all over again! Getting random boners from the smallest of things... Oh my God hyung, what if I get a boner in the bath with Changbin hyung?!" Felix yelled frantically, his face blushing furiously.

"I don't think that is going to happen but if it does, just try and think of things that turn you off. I mean stuff that really repulses you, that should help a little. Also, I got your back, I can cover for you if you need it." Minho said, trying to calm Felix's nerves.

"Thanks hyung, I'm sorry I am so pathetic but I am glad I have you." Felix said, sighing with relief.

"You aren't pathetic, Yongbok. You just need to get dicked down in a major way. You know, this weekend would be the perfect opportunity for you to test the waters with Changbin. We have separate rooms in the suite so you don't have to worry about me getting in your way if you happen to get lucky." Minho said with a suggestive smirk.

"Like I want my first time to be in some hotel, with you sleeping 20 ft away in the next room." Felix said sarcastically.

"I could leave the suite completely if it would make you more comfortable. I would rather sleep next to Jisung anyway." Minho said, smiling.

"I am not hooking up with Changbin on this trip!" Felix yelled.

"Hey, never say never, what if Changbin is planning to confess to you on this trip and that's why he really wanted to come." Minho said, laughing.

"That's not funny hyung." Felix said softly.

Minho cleared his throat, saying "You're right, I am sorry. But I am serious about never say never. It's like what you told me, I am not telling you to do anything but if the opportunity presents itself and the moment feels right, then I think you should go for it."

After picking the boys up they drove to the hotel and once they arrived were about to go their separate ways when Changbin suddenly stopped Felix saying "Hey Yongbok, why don't I help you carry your bag up to your room?"

"But you have your own bag to carry hyung." Felix replied.

"Yeah but it's not that heavy and I know you always overpack with all your skincare products, I don't want you to hurt your back." Changbin said.

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