Chapter 4

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Changbin let Minho into the apartment as he said "Hey hyung, did you want to go work out or something?"

"Nope." Minho said casually as he walked past him.

Changbin watched as he went straight into Jisung's bedroom without knocking and closed the door behind him.

Minho then proceeded to flop himself onto the bed beside Jisung and just lay there. Jisung looked at him, confused for a few minutes but didn't say anything. He then went back to scrolling through Tik Tok on his phone as Minho stared at the ceiling.

Minho then grabbed the remote and put on the anime they had been watching together. They both propped themselves up to watch the TV, again without saying a word. After binging a few episodes silently, Jisung finally said "This is nice. It reminds me of how you used to always come into mine and Innie's room and lay down on my bed for hours, just playing on your phone until you fell asleep."

"Yeah, I always liked to bug you, didn't I?" Minho chuckled.

"No, it didn't bother me. I miss it actually. I miss all of us living under one roof." Jisung said seriously.

"Well my door is always open, you know that." Minho said as he turned to look at Jisung.

Jisung turned to meet his eyes and didn't break contact despite Minho's piercing gaze as he said "Yeah, I know..."

Minho gulped, he wasn't used to Jisung looking at him so confidently. He felt his ears burning as he stared into Jisung's eyes so close to him. "Well, it's late, I should probably head home now." Minho said as he began to get up.

"Wait! It feels like you just got here hyung... Why don't you just stay here tonight?" Jisung asked as he grabbed Minho's hand to stop him.

"What? Stay here? Well, I guess I could. I could sleep on the couch..." Minho said, thinking out loud.

"Or you could just sleep in here... with me... I have a big bed now..." Jisung said nervously, now unable to look Minho in the eye.

"You really want me to stay that bad?" Minho asked, sitting back down beside Jisung as he realized they were still holding hands.

Jisung let go of Minho's hand and cleared his throat before saying "It's not that big of a deal... I just figured we can watch the next episode if you stay..."

"Ah, so the truth comes out. You only want me to stay so you can keep watching the anime." Minho said with a teasing frown.

"That's not the only reason..." Jisung said, trailing off.

"Really? What other reason could you have for wanting me to stay?" Minho asked as he turned to face Jisung.

"You really have to make me say it... You like teasing me that much?" Jisung said as his cheeks turned a soft pink color.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Minho said with a smirk.

"I also want you to stay because I miss you hyung. I think a sleepover would be a lot of fun since I don't get to see you as much as when we lived together. Is that what you wanted to hear?" Jisung said, blushing harder.

"We see each other everyday at work and schedules." Minho said bluntly.

"If you don't want to stay then just say that, no need to be all cute about it. I can take it." Jisung huffed.

"I am going to stay." Minho said.

"No, don't stay on my account. If you want to go, then go." Jisung said as he crossed his arms.

Minho grabbed his arm and gently pulled it out of the crossed position as he said sweetly "I want to stay."

Jisung's cheeks flushed even more as he nodded and Minho crawled back beside him on the bed. They slowly sank into a horizontal position as they watched the anime until Jisung fell asleep.

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