Chapter 1

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He had remained strong the whole week as he packed up his belongings. Didn't tell anyone about the weight sitting at the bottom of his stomach, or the ache in his heart every time he thought about moving into their new apartments. The eight of them had lived together since before their debut and after years of cohabitating, they were about to be split down the middle.

Two apartments with four bedrooms, 3Racha+Hyunjin in one and the Maknae line+Minho in the other. 3Racha made sense to be together so that they could work on producing music whenever inspiration struck but someone had to be the fourth person in the apartment and Felix wondered why not him. Chan and Changbin had been roommates with him for so many years, and Felix had grown extremely close with both of them, especially Changbin.

Chan usually worked so late on music at the company that it was easier to just sleep there in his studio then come all the way home so most of the time it was just Changbin and Felix in the room. Both being such skinship people, many nights were spent cuddling each other until they fell asleep in each other's arms. But Felix even loved it when they would both lay in their own beds, staring up at the ceiling and talking about life until they both fell asleep.

He had gotten to know Changbin on such a deep level, learned how he ticked, what he liked and didn't like. Learned his dreams and his fears, slowly falling in love with him with each passing night. Sure they spent plenty of time outside of the dorm together also but it was those nights, alone in their room, that were so special to Felix.

They had made the decision on who should go to live in 3Racha's dorm by playing a game of rock, paper, scissors. Why didn't Changbin just ask him to move with him? Had all those nights together really not meant as much to Changbin as they had to Felix?

But through it all Felix held it together. His heart slowly broke watching Changbin pack his things but he kept his composure. He even kept his cool as he watched Changbin haul his last box to the separate van and remained calm as he drove away. It felt like a breakup but they weren't dating. They were never dating... because Changbin wasn't in love with Felix.

After finishing the move into his own room in the new dorm, Felix looked around the big, quiet space and the silence filled him, pushed out all his usual positive thoughts and left him with only that hollow silence.

His eyes filled up with tears and spilled over in a nonstop stream as he snatched the Dwaekki body pillow from his bed and clutched it tightly. He slapped his hand over his mouth to try and muffle his sobs before realizing it didn't matter. No one could hear him. He was alone. Sleeping totally alone for the first time in years.

He cried for a few minutes before looking down at the body pillow. It was a silly gift he had won during Kingdom Week but as he looked down at the pink pillow, complete with a blushing Changbin face printed on it, he felt a brief moment of comfort. He leaned closely and whispered "Goodnight Changbin hyung." Then planted a small kiss on Pillow Changbin's lips.

The next morning Felix went to the kitchen very early, having barely slept in his big bed alone. He sat at the table for a while, nursing a bowl of now soggy cereal as Minho came out of his room and sat in front of him. He didn't speak at first and just observed Felix's blank stare before finally asking "Did you sleep well in your new room?"

"Does it look like it?" Felix responded sarcastically. Minho's eyebrows raised, he wasn't used to receiving an attitude from him.

"Frankly, no. You look like shit." Minho replied bluntly.

Tears stung his eyes and he tried to hold them in. Tried to give a snarky reply again but the words wouldn't come out. There was a lump in his throat and he suddenly blurted out in a broken voice as the tears fell from his eyes "Why didn't he ask me to live with him?" Minho sat there in shock at Felix suddenly falling apart in front of him, he didn't know what to do. "How do I deal with the fact that I am in love with my best friend?" Felix added through his sobs.

Fresh Daisies, First Snow | Minsung |ChanglixOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz