Felix turned around slowly as he replied "Yeah..."

"Well why don't we go to one here in Seoul together, just you and I? I think we could use a little rest and relaxation." Minho said.

"Really hyung?! Just you and me?! That would be so great! That is just what I need! A day away from all this boy drama!" Felix said excitedly.

"And not just a day, let's make a weekend trip out of it. Next weekend I will book us a nice hotel suite next to a 5 star jjimjilbang, my treat." Minho said, smiling sweetly.

Felix leapt toward Minho, engulfing him in a hug as he squealed "Ahh thank you so much hyung!"


Only a couple of days until the bath house trip and all the members were together at the company for a group dance practice. Felix was chatting and stretching with Jeongin as Minho and Changbin were going over a point dance move. Changbin seemed to be zoning out towards Felix and Jeongin, looking as if he was in deep thought. "Um hello? Changbin? Have I lost you? You will have plenty of time to stare at Yongbok's ass during practice. I need you to focus for a couple minutes as we go over this one move." Minho said crudely.

"What? I wasn't staring at Yongbok's ass!" Changbin yelled angrily.

"I don't blame you, it's a fine ass. Stare away on your own time but first, let's talk business." Minho said.

Changbin glared at Minho before saying sternly "Don't talk about him like that, hyung."

"Excuse me? I'm sorry, are you his bodyguard or something? Or are you perhaps dating him?" Minho said rudely.

"Are you?" Changbin asked frustratedly.

"Funny that Jisung asked me that same thing. You two are a couple of regular Nancy Drews. I don't even need to glorify the question with an answer since you two seem so convinced you know what's going on between us anyway. So I will just let your imagination keep wandering." Minho said before stomping away.

"Wait hyung! I'm sorry! I don't know why I snapped like that! What about the dance move I need to work on?" Changbin called out after Minho.

After practice Minho was standing with Felix at the water cooler when he said "You need to get your boyfriend off my back. He's starting to piss me off."

"He's not my boyfriend hyung, that's the problem." Felix said, exhaling exasperatedly.

"You're damn right that's the problem! Like why is he snapping at me for talking about your ass when he's not even your boyfriend? Most possessive platonic relationship I have ever seen." Minho said in a huff.

"Please Minho hyung, you are way more possessive of Jisung and you two are also in a platonic relationship." Felix said with a furrowed brow.

"Yeah but I am in love with him!" Minho snapped. "Come to think of it, maybe Changbin really is in love with you too." Minho said, looking as if he was connecting the dots in his head.

"What? No..." Felix said simply.

"Come on, think about it. He's biting my head off when I make comments about your body, he's so concerned about whether you and I are dating, he looked jealous after I kissed you at the party. I really think he is into you, Yongbok, you may have finally won over your man." Minho said.

"Okay so you can stand here and point out all the signs that Changbin hyung is secretly in love with me but when I try to tell you the same about Jisung then all of a sudden there's 'no way' and I'm 'crazy' or 'delusional'." Felix said with an excessive amount of air quotes.

"I never called you crazy or delusional, what the hell?" Minho asked, laughing.

"Ugh I know but you looked at me like I was crazy! Let's face it, neither one of us is going to risk our friendships with Binnie hyung and Jisung by confessing. We are both too chicken." Felix said, pouting.

Changbin walked up beside the water cooler to grab his bag from the counter just as Minho answered "Well I don't like it when you put it that way but yeah... Let's just go away for the weekend and forget about everything for at least a couple of days. I can't wait to take you to the jjimjilbang."

He didn't want to eavesdrop but his ears perked up at the mention of Minho taking Felix for a weekend away at a bathhouse. He leaned against the counter close by and pretended to do something on his phone as he continued to listen.

"Yes, we definitely need to relax, and that room you booked us Mr. Money Bags! It is so lush! Did you see the bathtub? It could fit both of us comfortably!" Felix said excitedly.

Changbin dropped his phone as he heard Felix talking about sharing a room and a bathtub. Minho and Felix looked over when they heard the sound and Changbin chuckled nervously as he said "Oh hey guys, I uh... couldn't help but overhear that you two are planning a trip..."

"Yeah..." Minho said.

"Just... the two of you?" Changbin asked.

"That was the plan." Minho said with a challenging glare.

"Cool, cool... Where are you two planning to go?" Changbin asked, trying to act casual.

"A jjimjilbang just outside of Seoul." Felix answered.

"Really? A bathhouse? That sounds amazing! It's been so cold lately, that sounds like the perfect place to spend the weekend." Changbin said.

"Yep. I thought so." Minho said bluntly.

"Seriously, I am so jealous of you two. I wish I had such great plans, I will just be at the dorm this weekend... Staying in... Trying to keep warm." Changbin said.

Felix looked at Minho who only rolled his eyes, seeing right through Changbin's lousy attempt at being subtle. "Hyung, would you maybe want to come to the bathhouse with us?" Felix asked just as Jisung walked up to the counter near Changbin and started doing a little eavesdropping himself.

"What? Me? Oh I don't know... I wouldn't want to intrude if it's something just for the two of you..." Changbin said, looking up at them with an inquisitive expression.

"No, it's fine hyung. The more the merrier." Felix said with a smile.

Jisung whipped around from the counter saying quickly "Then would you mind if I tagged along too? I'm sorry, I know I just came along and caught the tail end of your conversation and wouldn't want to be rude and invite myself... but a bathhouse trip sounds lovely."

"Are you serious? I thought you hated anywhere you had to be naked around strangers. That's why you don't shower at the gym." Minho said.

"Yeah but I wont be with strangers, I will just be with you guys. I am assuming you booked a private bath... You did book a private bath, right?" Jisung asked nervously.

"Yes, I did book Felix and I a private bath but I am sure there will be plenty of room for the four of us. Let me call the jjimjilbang tomorrow and make sure everything is set up for all of us." Minho said.

"And I will call the hotel that Minho hyung and Felix are staying at and see if there's a room for us." Changbin said to Jisung.

"Great! Thanks for letting me crash hyung!" Jisung said as he turned to Minho.

"No problem, like Yongbok said, the more the merrier." Minho said, smiling politely before shooting Felix a dirty look.

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