Year Seven Part Seventeen Dumbledore's office

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Hermonie eyes a sparkling green flower in the grass and smiles to herself as she reaches for it but when she does it morphs into a snake lashes out and bits into her hand. she lets out a small scream and sees a man standing on a small hill in front of her. she walks slowly up to the man's side and stops eyeing London in flames and hears someone laughing out screaming behind her. she turns back eyeing the blurred figure and hears the woman yelling.

"We do it Viperoth. we destroyed the muggles!"

Hermonie goes to turn back but flinches feeling a hand on her shoulder and eyes Dumbledore nodding his head down to her.

"Curious, where were you just now granger?"

she blinks and Dumbledore asks, "did i hear the name Viperoth?"

Hermonie remains quiet and Dumbledore tabs his desk as he mumbles the name "it's an old, old name dating as far back as the first wizards of this school, generation after generation, but they do not like their picture taken, never have i ever seen one Viperoth show up to have his picture taken, except one."

Dumbledore motions to the picture on a wall "he is never there though, last time i saw him there he looked very very angry to be here then one day i walked in and poof Jace Viperoth was gone."

Hermione eyes the empty frame and asks "Jace Viperoth?"

Dumbledore nods to the empty frame "yes, a Ravenclaw actually, only one in his family, smart but not very social, and didn't particularly want to do anything yet the hat was so sure he was a Ravenclaw."

"So why is he here then?" Hermonie asks and Dumbledore smiles as he points to the frame "because Jace Viperoth isn't dead, turn out he was a wanted fugitive that tampered with time, and he is very very bad at polyjuice potions to the point he always missed an ingredient, do you know what ingredient it was miss granger?"

"No professor"

"Fluxweed, the boy is severely afraid of werewolf's .so he never goes out in full moons."


"yes apparently he had a bad run in with a few in his younger years, do you know why im telling you this miss granger?"

"no professor "

"I once sat with Jace Viperoth when we were about to transfer him to Azkaban, but he escaped, sadly yes he escaped, smart young wizard..."

"How did he escape?"

Dumbledore pointed at the empty frame "he somehow teleported himself into the frame mages and got away. I never seen it before in my life. However, miss granger he did say something to very sure of himself."

"what was it?"

"he said he disliked granger a lot because he said that witch made an awful mess of time."

Granger blinked and Dumbledore laughed a bit "the problem is that conversation happened years before you were even at Hogwarts. so, I just have some advice, please be careful with the time turner or you may end up like that Viperoth, on the run from aurors, never being able to settle anywhere."

the door bangs shut, and Dumbledore looks up as he smirks "speaking of Viperoth's, Chance, is it?"

Chance nods his head and Dumbledore motions to Hermione. she goes to walk by chance but turns her head and he ignore her as he speaks firmly to Dumbledore "we need to discuss something important." Hermonie leaves the office and chance glances around feeling something slither up his leg as Dumbledore nods as he asks "so what does a time traveling set of brothers do for fun chance?" Chance sits in a chair and remains quiet as Dumbledore raises an eyebrow "or is it Jace? I have a feeling the real Chance is in muggle studies right now probably asleep if i had to guess. so, humor an old wizard." Dumbledore sits down in his chair and eyes over the fading Polyjuice potion as Jace answers him "actually i have been catching up on one of my favorite books a history of Viperoth" 

Dumbledore lets out a lough chuckle "a history of Viperoth, ah written by Jace Viperoth I see." Jace sits back letting the Polyjuice fade as Dumbledore nods to him and comments "i must say for a Ravenclaw you are quite brave coming back here just to check on your younger brother, risking Azkaban, risking freedom." 

"it was Slytherin actually, professor, it was Slytherin that i was first sorted into not Ravenclaw"

"Was it?" Dumbledore raises an eyebrow and asks back "or did you ask the hat for what you knew you need to be in?"

"It was not Ravenclaw" the sorting hat in the corner chimes in and mumbles "definitely a Ravenclaw, yes a Ravenclaw. I heard you mumble it."

Dumbledore nods his head as he motions to the hat "see Ravenclaw."

"no it was Slytherin, which is why I am here."

"to discuss houses? I heard the ministry still is discussing all the things you have done-"

"Already forgiven i became an auror and they wiped my record clean, all it took was one fine date with the ministers of magic daughter and a little bit of liquid luck"

"ah I see" Dumbledore eyes him over and asks "how long ago did you take this liquid luck?"

"doesn't matter but i may need to not come back to this time"

"so your finally leaving Hogwarts?"

"i got my auror position in the future, cleared my name and i think my brother can handle one or two things."

"how bad is the future messed up this time?"

Jace Viperoth squints and mumbles to himself "i am not arrested, my brother is alive, but I do need to disappear for a while."

"Liquid luck can be very very dangerous so what exactly happened with the ministry of magic?"

"well, the discussion went great but then all of a sudden i  made a joke, about taking the man's job, he said yes then i joked about marrying his daughter, he also said yes, and now i am here."

"Congratulations minister on your promotion" Dumbledore lets out a laugh and motions to Jace "do not worry they have things in place to ensure this stuff doesn't happen he will come back to his senses, you will not be the minister of magic and highly doubt his daughter wants to date you let alone marry you, you should sleep off the effects and finish what you need to do."

Dumbledore eyes the empty picture frames and sighs to himself "eventually though you do have to go forward in time."

"I realize that sir." Dumbledore nods his head and Jace stares around mumbling to himself as Dumbledore asks one last question "and how long are you planning to let that snake crawl in your leg like that?"

Jace remains quiet and Dumbledore nods his head as he motions to the door "just head to Ravenclaw common room the password is still the same and you still look like the prefer you were back then."

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