
542 17 1

Disclaimer: No characters or show belong to me, only stories



At four in the morning. Boboiboy will wake up in a two-star hotel room
Not bad or good But the ratio of this is a city

Boboiboy got up, stretched out a little, then headed towards Nafez.

A city that was quiet and the sound of cars with people talking annoying the ears he had a sharp hearing

But that was the last bad thing on Boboiboy's list of problems.

First. He has to find a way back to the house
Secondly. Why is there no tapus connection here.[It's not supposed to be in outer space and a station signal reaches everywhere on Earth.]

Third. Food, housing,clothing
Well, the problem of a residence has been in a hotel,


Flash back

Boboiboy stands in front of the reception center. Hotel Private

"Uncle Reid booked bedrooms"Boboiboy said politely

The farthest newspaper from a point of view from top to bottom boboiboy shape.A hotel owner, a person who looks in his forties with untidy clothes, cigarettes in his mouth, and his teeth are clean, unclean, and colors.

Returned to the newspaper and said

" Leave, we do not receive the child homeless "

"I'll pay in advance from now." Boboiboy said firmly

The owner of the hotel laughed "how much money do you have, child"

"54.6 USD" Take money out of his wallet and present it to a hotel owner

He quickly snatched money and started with his money account "Well, you can only stay three at night." They got up and went to the keyboard rooms and took room number 57

"Take and don't waste a key" A hotel owner said

"Thank you, sir." Boboiboy said and took the key and headed towards a room

Back to the present

A room similar to a storage room in Tapuis but larger with a bathroom and wardrobes is ok

Not the best, not the worst.
So that's acceptable then.

"I have to find a job if I want to stay here," Boboiboy said with determination, looking at her hand.

"so I'll go back to the house.
And we get a job." Boboiboy said enthusiastically and tried to motivate himself.

After 9 a.m.

Boboiboy walks on the sidewalks trying to find a guest but no one accepts him

Boboiboy had to go to a public services office and buy a recruitment work stamp

And go to more than 50 stores or other available jobs


"Sorry, but it's underage, boy. "The owner of a café said

"My son apologized, but no child is allowed," said a cake shop woman.

"Refused, I don't want problems with a government hiring a child without news," said a gardener

"Even if you have a job, you don't have any experience in this field of hair cutting," said the owner of a ring shop

He pulled a line on all the jobs that he wanted to apply to, they all rejected it

He frowned and looked at the pavement sadly. This is a city you hate


ith sadness and not having any money
He was tired of looking.

"[Only two left at night and he was kicked out of a hotel]" Boboiboy searched a second list and scraped every work he was fired from

"Several jobs remain" Boboiboy said

In the back to a hotel a strange scene came across a group of a man dressed in black inside to a bank. Which is several blocks away

"[That's normal here.]" Boboiboy said as he scratched his head.

But curiosity to follow Boboiboy these are a person at a bank

Rais apparently shouted among them, "Put all your money and valuables in a bag."

The man took out other weapons and pointed them at the guards.

"Or you don't want to die here."

We flatten people and put their hands on their heads out of fear for their lives

He scared the treasurer and started putting him in the bag.

From the beginning, Boboiboy saw everything. "Do I have to interfere. in this place there is a hero, but if you intervene there will be problems" Boboiboy said in confusion

Then he heard gunfire and a sharp scream from a bank.

"No time to think. people At risk" Boboiboy said and headed towards a bank.


The security guard fell down and was hit in the shoulder by a pistol He started bleeding and blood coming down from his shoulder as he was writhing in pain, bullets.

"Hurry up or you'll pour him like him."He said a criminal while charging

Employees froze out of fear but moved to save their lives


A quick light appeared, cut off all the weapon, then disappeared. Down with the criminals, the weapon that falls

"Who are they"

"Hurry up maybe a hera comes now"

Criminals picked up bags and headed towards an exit, but he was stopped by the same red light.


Several red swords flew towards a criminal and fixed towards a wall

Then lightning struck the rest of the criminals what caused paralysis from electricity


his is Gotham Police. was founded in 1820 as the primary law enforcement agency of Gotham City. It apparently had a long history of police brutality and of corruption, as Sarah Essen commented that she had seen too many jaded old men buy their way into the post of Commissioner.

The police arrived and arrested a gang

"Mr. Can you come with us," said a policeman.

"Yes," calmly follow the policeman.

At a police station

"So all witnesses confirmed that they saw red lightning."A policeman said

"That's all," Commissioner said James Gordon A reliable and loyal investigator for police and justice

"Yes, Mr. Some also mentioned that there were swords that appeared out of nowhere.
But when they came back to a crime site, we didn't find anything." A policeman said

"Hmmmmm" Delegate thought about it.
"[I think it's time to get a friend.]"


[Quite the habit of writing stories]

Thanks for reading 🌹⭐🌹⭐

 Crossover : boboiboy x Justice Leaguer[ stopped] Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant