Chapter 30

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Your POV

"I choose... To continue living in my current world" I said with determination

"Are you sure? This might be a chance to go back in your world" Celestia said in concern

"Yes.. I know that.. I miss my parents there and my normal life... But I made a promise to a certain someone.. I told him that I won't leave him until his adventures and journey is finish"

"Oh, you promised that, to the cute lover of yours, right? I think his name was..,right! Boboiboy.." Theia said while smiling teasingly

I felt shy and my cheeks heat up,feeling quite flustered.

"Yeah him. I also promised to him that we will go on a date after resting but if I'm dead, I can't do that Haha. Besides! I like living here, I have amazing friends,I experience new adventures and more! It would be a shame to end that quickly"

"I see... What a great choice Y/n" Celestia said as she sighed in relief

Suddenly the flower field were in started shaking and it was stared cracking like glass.

"Oh no! We don't have enough time! Your conciousness is slowly fading away completely!"  Vulcan said

"Everyone! You know what to do" Celestia said as she raised her staff

The others nod their head as they raised there hand and produce magical looking orbs. Theia made a glowing gold orb, Aeolus made an orb that filled with tornado, Poseidon made an ocean orb, Vulcan made a red lava orb, Persephone made a mini earth orb and Nyx made a pitch black orb while Celestia made a pure white orb with her staff.

Celestia's orb absorb the other orbs and then formed into a small white marble. The marble went in front of me.

"I hereby announce that Y/n L/n is now a true owner of Celestia Mahika and she shall use the power for the greater good" Celestia said and the marble shined brightly and looking at it made me feel drowsy..

"Do not worry about Glitch for now Y/n. Since she used a forbidden magic, it will take a while for her to recover"

'So Glitch... Is a she..'

"And like I said before...P....e ..l. m. ..v. h.. .e.o.. i.. ..o l..e"

'What did you say?'

"Careful Y/n and good luck"

Celestia said as I completely lose my consciousness and let myself to submerge in my drowsiness and completely fell asleep..



I opened my eyes as I heard someone shouted my name. I sat up while rubbing my sleepy eyes and stretch arms as I yawned and rub my eyes once again.

"Good morning" I muttered still feeling quite drowsy

I opened my eyes and I noticed that I'm on a giant white rose. I look in front of me and saw my friends in shock and in tears, Koko Ci wiping the tear in his eye, and Boboiboy  crying while staring at me in disbelief and rose skythe smiling in satisfaction.

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