Styling Room - Yuna POV

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Taehyung was gone for about an hour now already. I didn't know what to do with myself. Everybody had heard about the lockdown and the canceled performances and now we were waiting for some further instructions. To be honest, I was so damn scared. Would they still need me? They sure as hell wouldn't pay me if there was no opportunity to fulfil my tasks and style Taehyung for any form of public appearances. And it seemed like there wouldn't be any of them in the near future.

Not much later, one of the managers entered the room and told me and the other stylists that we were free for the rest of the day, and we shouldn't worry too much. The news said that we were not allowed to go outside apart from getting groceries or other important stuff. I won't even be able to visit my family in the meantime. Big Hit asked us to stay with the company to seclude it from any possible contact with the virus. Everything felt like a heavy weight on my shoulders and clouded my senses.

I was the last one to step out into the hallway. Almost everybody had left already - except for one person. Taehyung was waiting by the door. He looked up when he heard my footsteps coming closer.

«Oh hey. You good?», he asked with a forced smile.

«I'd rather say yes, but then I would be lying. I'm not good. I'm...anxious. But what about you?»

He scratched the back of his head. «I'm fine. At least I somehow have to be.»

«I can feel that you're totally not fine. You're wanna talk?», I asked hesitantly, unsure if I was overstepping an invisible line between us.

«Thank You, but I don't have time right now», he smiled with sad eyes. «Bang PD-nim kind of forced us to go on vacation until they'll have figured out how to exactly go on from this point. They want us to be as far away from any big metropole like Seoul as possible.»

«That's...understandable. Ohw...» I looked down at my shoes because Taehyungs words made me even more upset.

«What's wrong, honey?», he wanted to know. He tapped his finger under my chin to make me look up into his beautiful dark irises again. Those eyes...I swear to god...they looked like they were made of perfectly polished obsidian.

«Don't worry about me, Tae. That's not important right now."

«No, tell me, please. Maybe I can help?", he said hopefully.

«Just the stuff everybody has to deal with. I'm troubled because of the virus. I'm scared for me and for the people I love. And I'm scared of losing my job. I can't even go home right now to give everyone a big hug and receive one even bigger in return.» My eyes filled with tears thinking about my family. Taehyung looked empathetic while trying to dry the tears that already poured out over the rim of my lower eyelid.

«Do you...would you like me to give you a hug?»

I looked up through watery eyes and nodded. Instantly he engulfed me in his long arms and pressed me against his broad warm chest. I could feel his steady heartbeat under my hands, which calmed me down immensely. When he pulled away, I fought the urge to pout since I didn't want it to end so quickly.

«Don't look at me like that, honey!», he laughed.

But I didn't stop pouting. «That wasn't enough. My family is very big, so I would get a lot of hugs, you know?» I snuggled back into his arms and noticed him chuckling again.

«By the way...why do you always call me honey?», I was bold enough to ask while I didn't have to look him in the eyes. His breath hitched for a second when he heard my question.

«I...I thought it suits you. Your voice sounds like honey to my ears. Sometimes you're humming along when you do my makeup...I like listening to it.» I giggled and let go of Taehyung to face him directly again.

«Aww, are you blushing?», I mocked him.

«Oh...dear lord, hell no, I'm not!» Now he was the one pouting. Then he tried to cover it up by clearing his throat and brushing through his messy brown strands (Not Today Era) with his fingers. I was once again reminded of the natural beauty of this man. He wouldn't even need my makeup and still be the most beautiful human being that has ever inhabited planet earth. I was sure that even the biggest star in the universe would be jealous of Taehyung's radiation.

«Yuna? I have an idea...You're free for the next time, right? If I'm not staying here, there's no reason for you to stay either."

Confused, I tilted my head to the side and asked: «I guess, yeah. But why?»

«Would you like to accompany us on our trip? We're planning to go camping for a couple of days and I don't want you to be alone.» Taehyung seemed shy while suggesting this. I was so surprised that I nearly choked on my saliva.

«Wh-What?!», I almost screamed.

«Only if you want to. I would be really happy tho...» Taehyung only mumbled.

«You're being serious? I don't want to bother you and the others. They're probably not very fond of the idea of having one of their worthless staffs running around during their vacation. And I don't have any equipment for camping...» Again, I started to blabber without thinking thoroughly.

«Don't worry about that, honey. I'm sure they won't mind, and I can provide all the camping stuff for you. We have two camper vans anyways, so it's not as uncomfortable as in a tent and there's enough space for one more person.» He almost pleaded me to agree.

«I don't know, Tae. We're barely friends but you want me to join you and share personal time with you?» I nibbled on my bottom lip.

«I wouldn't ask if I wasn't serious. We got along so well until now so why not taking it a step further? I'd really like to get to know you a bit more.»

I sighed: «You wouldn't accept a No, would you?»

«See! You already know me too well. So, it's settled? Come on, let's ask the others!» He grabbed my wrist and dragged me along to the dorms of the group.

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