CHAPTER 6. "whats your guys quirks?"

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Hello! I've finally made another chapter after SO long- but I'm back now, enjoy~

The slayers sat in their new classroom, a concentrated or annoyed look was painted on their faces as they tried blocking out their teachers voice. They were overthinking and stressing about their mission. I mean, They were in a completely different world, they had no idea what they would come across. who wouldn't be stressing over it?

after what felt like hours, class was about to end. The slayers were granted permission to leave 10 minutes before class ended, so they obviously took that to their advantage. Kiyatai took a glance at her comrades before nodding to the door.

They all nodded and grabbed their belongings. Their classmates looked at them confused. Class wasn't done yet, so why were they leaving? They all watched the group of people walk out of the classroom, the slayers had a stern expression on their faces...weird. eventually, 1-A shrugged it off and payed attention to their teacher.

The group walked silently through the halls, no one spared a word to each other as they were all drowning in their thoughts. anxiety crept up on them, they felt as if they were walking right into muzans hands, something was obviously going on.

Suddenly, Zehira bumped into someone's shoulder without noticing, her eyes widened a bit before looking at the person she hit. Her eyes were met with bright blue ones. "Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." Zehira said with a frown, she was too stressed to be socializing. The boy with blonde hair and blue eyes raised his eyebrow at the group before him and smirked.

"So you're the new 1-A losers I've heard about? I'm surprised they let even more idiots into that class!" He snickered in her face. Zehira just narrowed her eyes at him, "who the hell are you?" she said in annoyance, she wasn't in the mood to deal with pricks.

He looked at her with a prideful expression. "My name is neito monama, from class 1-B, the superior class, of course!" He laughed at them. "You losers aren't worthy enough to know my name, but I'll let it slide since you're new." he cockily said.

Zehira rolled her eyes and looked away from him in disgust, "yeah, whatever." Monama raised his brow at her, "what's with the attitude? I knew everyone from 1-A were assholes, but you're on another level." he said with a lazy smirk.

Kiyatai glared at him, "shut the fuck up, you egotistical mistake." she shoved her hands in her blazer and stared at him. Monama looked at Kiyatai and frowned, "Oh, so you're a bitch too? how surprising." Iku and Yamiki glared at him. "You're the bitch here! No one fucking asked you to talk to us, so get lost." Iku said with anger lacing her voice, "Exactly, don't you have anything better to do?" Yamiki frowned with an aggravated look.

Tanjiro nervously waved his hands around, "Please stop fighting! We need to get to the cafeteria.." he said with a worried look on his face. Monama looked at him and narrowed his eyes. "God, you're all so miserable, aren't you?"

"HEY!! SHUT IT BEFORE I BODY SLAM YOU INTO THE DAMN FLOOR!!" Inosuke screamed in his face out of anger, who does this guy think he is?!? "Oh yeah? Let's see you try." Monama said with a cocky smile.

"Oh fuck off!" Zehira said, and without warning, she punched him straight in the face. Everyone gasped in surprise, while Kiyatai just smirked. Monama stumbled back and stared at her in disbelief. "There, now leave us alone." She glared at him.

He said nothing as he ran back to his classroom. Kiyatai scoffed and Iku smirked, "deserved." They said at the same time. And with that, they all walked to the cafeteria together.


The slayers sat together at a huge booth, talking to each other and eating their food.
"We're gonna split up in teams right?" Iku asked with a raised brow, Kiyatai nodded and messed around with her food. "Yeah, it'd be strange for us to all go together, people around us might think we're suspicious or something." Iku shrugged, "true." She said before she shoved some rice in her mouth.

 𝘼𝙉𝙊𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍 𝙒𝙊𝙍𝙇𝘿.  A kny oc x mha oc fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now