I lean over and pick up the sweats and a tshirt left by Hyunjin for me. Putting them on I tried getting up to go to the bathroom but I had put too much trust in myself. My legs buckle below me as I fall to the ground. Fuck that was loud. Then I hear footsteps, Hyunjins voice is getting louder. I scramble to the bathroom and shut the door quickly. I hear his door swing open and a womens voice. "Hmm I could have sworn I heard someone in here" she says. Their voices loud like they were right next to me. I limp my way to his shower and close the curtains.

Just then I hear her yell again "oh are you hiding her in the bathroom, Sasha come out dear it's just us" she says sweetly opening up the door. Fuck why didn't I lock it. "Mom seriously leave this is getting weird" Hyunjin says loudly. "Oh nonsense baby, I want to meet your future wife" she says as she whips open the curtain. He face shifts as she looks down at me. "Uh honey who is this" she says her voice cracking a little. Hyunjin pushes his way over and sees me on his shower floor.

"Oh my gosh Felix are you okay" he rushes over to me helping me stand up. Now facing the man and women who I presume to be Hyunjins parents. Yes they have to be, they are the same people I saw him with at the restaurant. "Honey who is this man" she asks again. "This is uh Felix" Hyunjin says plainly. "His friend" I pipe up. A wash of relief comes over her face. I could see how much that hurt Hyunjin but I'm not going to be the reason he tells his parents he's gay.

"Oh dear sorry for intruding on you are you okay" she turns 180 being overly nice to me. Helping me over to the living room and sitting down next to me. "Hyun go get your friend some water he seems parched" she commands. He followed her orders, getting me another glass of water and hands it to me. "Now Felix what were you doing hiding in my sons bathroom" she asks me. Choking on my water I try to think of a good excuse.

"I uh well uh Hyunjin was letting me crash here for a few days and I must have gotten confused cuz I mean this house is so big right and like I thought I was walking into a different room but I walked into his bathroom and then the light wasn't on and so I fell" I word vomit back out to her hoping she believes my made up story. Laughing at me she grabs my leg, I begin to laugh back. "Oh aren't you a doll. You know what we were just about to go get brunch and celebrate some good news how about you join us".

I look up at Hyunjin but he smiles at me and nods, "sure" I respond back to her. "Hun isn't this nice, we get to take Hyunjin out to celebrate and his friend is coming with us" she looks over at the man who has stayed silent this whole time. All he did was nod. "Okay why don't you boys go get dressed and I'll take Kkami on a little walk with your dad and we can all drive together" she suggests.

"Orrrrr why don't you and dad go first and Felix and I will catch up, grab us a nice table and the finest champagne" Hyunjin suggests back shuffle his mom and dad out the door. "Fine but be quick we will see you there" she says as he shuts the door.

I watch him as he sinks to the floor, bringing his knees to his chest. He looked broken. I stumble over to him and hug him. "I'm sorry Hyunjin I didn't mean to make a fuss" I say quietly. He shakes his head, a tear falls down his face. "I knew that they wouldn't be happy about it but the look on her face" he trails off before he starts to sob.

I grab him harder, trying to help him but I didn't know how. I would never know what it was like to be disappointed by my parents. "Hey hey look at me" I say as I grab his face. His tears still escaping "you are Hwang Hyunjin, mafia leader and all that crap but most importantly my boyfriend. If your parents can't accept you for who you are then I will just have to love you twice as much" I say gently to him, wiping away his tears.

Looking at me he smiles, leaning in we kiss. This was different, it was still filled with love and passion but this kiss made fireworks go off in the background, this kiss could shatter glass. Pulling away he gets up and helps me off the floor. Walking me to his room, we get dressed and head out.

Pit Boss // HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now