Chapter Sixteen

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When we get back to base König quickly exits the vehicle and stalks back to his room before I even can fully climb out of my seat.

I brush off the rest of the team as I make my way through the hallways, I reach his door and stand there for what felt like an eternity before I worked up the courage to knock. I wait with no answer, maybe I didn't knock loud enough? I raise my fist to knock again as the door is flung open and König is standing there with two bags in his hands.

"We have some down time so I had planned for us to go out, I packed your things while you were in the hospital" he says gruffly as he walks past me, obviously expecting me to obediently follow.

"Excuse me?" I yell after him without moving, he stops without turning around as I continue, "you can't just storm off like that and expect me to chase after you like a lost puppy," I finish while folding my arms over my chest, refusing to follow him.

König shifts both bags to one of his large hands as he turns around and begins walking back to me,

"It wasn't a request" he says firmly as he leans forward and grabs me with his other arm, throwing me over his shoulder, planting his hand firmly on my ass, the only thing keeping me from baring it to the world under my short dress.

König turns to return to his walk outside, as we go past Soap and Ghost all I hear is Ghost chuckling under his breath and Soap yelling 'good luck' after us. I roll my eyes as König walks us up to a vehicle, he opens the door and tosses the bags into the backseat with ease before setting me down in the front seat. He gives me a stern look and shuts the door before rounding the vehicle and getting into the driver seat.

I cross my arms again with a huff as the vehicle begins its journey, I make a point to look out the window in silence, refusing to look or talk to König. Childish, I know, but I don't care at the moment. We traveled further before we took a turn onto a dirt road and König broke the silence,

"There are some cabins out here that are used for overnight training usually, it has electricity and food already there, we're staying for a few days," he states simply, as if this was just a casual outing that wasn't being followed by a huge storm cloud of emotions.

By the time we reached the cabins I had had more than enough time to brew in my feelings and as soon as we got out of the vehicle I turned and started,

"I seriously can't believe you König, you ignore me for days while I am in the hospital, then you almost kill a man for simply dancing with me and then you turn around and drag me to the middle of nowhere!?" I yell at him, "You are seriously the most ridiculous and annoying excuse for a man I have ever met, you—"

My sentence was cut short by König covering the short distance between us, ripping his mask off in the process and smashing his mouth against mine, consuming my words with a hunger and drive I haven't felt before. Just as quickly as he began König breaks the kiss off and throws me over his shoulder. Again.

"Fuck König," I yell from his back, "this is so fucking childish, would you just talk for once, seriously?" I continue as he kicks the door to the cabin open and quickly makes his way to the single bedroom with a large bed and tosses me down on it.

Before I can react König gets on top of me, holding me down with his sheer size as he grabs my hands and yanks them above my head while pulling his belt off with the other hand. He makes quick work of restraining my hands to the metal frame above my head and I'm left dazed and confused as to what just happened.

"You just don't want to listen to me," König hums from above me, his eyes darkening with both frustration and lust.

"Really?" I ask in disbelief, "you can't seriously be upset over this?!" I finish while pulling against the belt, trying to free myself.

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