Chapter Eight

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The next morning comes quicker than I want. I begrudgingly drag myself from my bed and don my usual black tank top and tan cargo pants. As I open the door to my room I come face to face with Ghost.

"Before we start our training we have a team meeting," he states dryly before he turns and begins walking away.

I follow behind at an almost jog to keep up with his long strides,

"About what?" I question him as we move through the hallway.

"You." He simply answers.

I stop in my tracks but quickly begin walking again after I regain my composure,

'Me?' I think to myself, 'this is it, they're kicking me off the team. What did Graves tell them?'

Before I can continue my thoughts we enter the room where I see the rest of the team sitting in chairs with Price leaning against the edge of one table, Ghost takes a seat as well and I simply stand in the middle, holding my breath.

"Ahh, the main event is here," Price chuckles, "we have some important news for you."

"Yeah, and it was MY idea" Soap exclaims with pride as he puffs his chest out. Gaz elbows him hard,

"Actually, it was more than a team effort to find something fitting," he begins.

"I don't understand..." I interrupt, clearly confused.

"Really, L.T., you left the poor girl to freak out instead of telling her?" Soap says as he glares at Ghost.

"You said the team should announce it together," he says with a simple shrug of the shoulders.

"Alright, alright," Price interrupts, "let's get on with it, the news is that we think you need a new name for a new team. We don't think your old one fits you" he finishes, clearly satisfied with himself.


During this entire conversation König only sat silently, watching you. He's nervous, hoping he did the right thing telling the rest of the team about your hatred of your name. He watches, waiting for some reaction from you to give even a glimpse into your feelings.


"Yeah, so we've been trying to come up with a new one for you since that 'ol bastard nicked you" Soap chimes in again, gesturing towards your bandaged stomach,

"and L.T. finally figured a good one" he finishes while jutting his thumb towards Ghost.

I look at Ghost waiting for him to divulge a hint at least but he simply stares at your face without speaking.

"Grudge," Price chimes in.

"Grudge?" I ask, "should I be offended?" in confusion.

"A grudge lasts, you hang onto it and it doesn't go away easily," Gaz answers.

"Also, everyone with a bit o' brains should be wary of someone with a grudge, they have a motivation like no other," Soap chimes in yet again, intent on not being left out of the conversation.

"You've been through a lot but you keep sticking around, the name Ghost was already taken and Ghost 2.0 sounded a bit ridiculous," Price says with a chuckle.

As everything begins to come into clarity you look over at Ghost again to see he is still studying my face and so is König,

"Thank you..." I begin, "really, I-"

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