He's Definitely Not The One

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"Why don't you date your best friend?" a voice asks me.

I've heard this question so many times that I didn't even recognize who asked me this time. This question sounds the same no matter who asks it - stupid. I've answered it too many times already, so now whenever I hear it from someone, I take it rhetorically. We all know why, they don't need to hear me say it again.

He's not interested in me that way, and, I know that he's not good for me that way too.

But am I interested? No, don't entertain those feelings.  They're just that - feelings.  They come and go and are never the same.  I choose to focus on the facts:  First of all, he's in love with someone else and I respect myself too much to be with someone like him.  I can do better.  I deserve better!

But then why do I want him so badly?

"Hey, did you hear me?" the voice repeats itself.

"Oh sorry, did you say something?" I turn to see an elderly woman from church.  She's small and frail covered in a brown floor length, long sleeved dress.  Her tired brown eyes nested in her wrinkly sockets look straight into my eyes.  I avoid her direct stare by looking at her white cotton candy hair.

"I asked you a question: Why don't you date your best friend?"

I didn't need to hear that again.

"Oh, Auntie!  Are you serious? You know I don't settle for anything.  I can do better than that guy."

She lets out a laugh and her saliva sprays my fully made up face.  I look at her wide open mouth and I'm afraid her dentures might fly out.

"I don't know, darling.  Have you ever given it..."

**Ring! Ring!** My phone rings cutting the old lady off.

Saved by the bell.  Thank you, Jesus!

"Sorry, Auntie," I lie, I'm not sorry, "I'm expecting this call."

I go through my purse to find my phone.  Why can't I find it?  After a few seconds I see my phone and excited to see who saved me from this conversation.  I can't wait to pick up.

"Is it him calling?" the lady asks when I look at my phone screen.

I smile at her politely, "I'll see you again, Auntie," I pick up the phone and put it to my ear.

"Enjoy, darling!"

We walk away from each other.


"Amore!  What took you so long to pick up? Why are you disrespecting me?"

"What do you want?"

I hate that the old lady was right.  How am I supposed to feel about this?  The one who saved me from an unwanted conversation about my best friend was my best friend himself.  A few seconds ago I was thinking this caller was godsent.  Turns out it was just him.  My greatest blessing today was him!  

"I need you.  Now."

The Ballad of My Sacred Heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें