Chapter 3: Home is Where Your Checo is, Duh

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By the time Checo came back loaded with clothes, shoes, and undergarments that should fit the toddler Christian and Toto had eventually managed to calm the child down by giving Max a scale replica of the RB19 Checo had among his things.

Max was fascinated by the small F1 car and was entertaining himself sitting on the carpet when his Checo came in and remained oblivious the Mexican was back until the man kneeled next to him setting the shopping bags down to show him what he had gotten for him.

"Leoncito. Mira lo que te traje, chiquito." (Little lion, look what I brought you, little one.) Checo wasn't even done speaking when the RB19 replica was forgotten on the ground as Max launched himself at the brown-eyed man.

"Checo! Je bent terug!" (Checo! You're back!) and everything was right in the world once more, Christian and Toto shared a look of relief but also worry, it was going to be a challenge to get Max to understand that Checo couldn't be with him 24/7 and that that didn't mean he was abandoning him or didn't love him anymore, however, that would be a problem for another time, for now, they needed to get Max dressed before the representative from the Dutch embassy arrived.

Max was running happily around the room in his new light-up sneakers when the representative arrived, she introduced herself as Johanna Van Kesteren, she seemed a calm and professional woman, she entered with a stack of documents and greeted the attendees. 

She addresses Max, and begins a friendly conversation in Dutch with the rejuvenated Max, exploring his thoughts and memories. Max, with childlike innocence blended with small fragments of adult understanding, responds shyly constantly looking at his Checo and Papa for reassurance which they give in nods and kind smiles. 

Max thinks the woman is nice, she asked about how he woke up and about his Checo and papa, she asks about his car and even the food which Max finds a bit odd but he answers anyway and then she asks where home is, this puzzles little Max because, how does she not know? Obviously, "Thuis is waar je Checo is." (Home is where your Checo is.)

When Johanna is satisfied with what Max has told her she then turns to Checo and Christian. She explains that they need to validate the details of Max's temporary identification and inquires about their relationship with him. 

Checo, Explains a bit about their lives and his relationship with Max, and understanding dawns on the woman's face, of course Max thought home was where his boyfriend was, while the couple had a shared residence in Monaco and had multiple properties they barely spent any time on them given their occupations. 

Johanna doesn't know a thing about Formula 1 but she is not so ignorant of her country's celebrities to not know who Max Verstappen is, however, it is just then that she realizes this cute little boy is the famous Dutch lion.

When she is done with Checo it's Christian's turn and question after question Christian answers to the best of his knowledge his role within Max's life for the last almost ten years.

"I've done everything possible to support Max through the years. He's... he's been a son to me long before now," Christian says with conviction looking at his husband who nods in acknowledgment, "a part of our family, and we will continue to take care of him no matter how old he is."

The representative nods satisfied and takes notes while further asking for practical details such as residence addresses and contact information. She speaks in a calm tone, focused on obtaining necessary information without causing too much stress.

After the discussions, the documents are processed, and the ambassador assures them that they'll have Max's temporary identification in a couple of hours allowing him to travel. 

The flight back to Milton Keynes is eventful...

Max's private plane, usually a haven for post-race celebrations and relaxation, now took on a different atmosphere as the three-year-old Max Verstappen found himself in distress. The ascent to cruise altitude triggered a painful pressure change that wracked Max's tiny ears.

Max clung to his seat, his face contorted in discomfort, and tears forming in those baby blues were being held back until he couldn't bear it anymore and covered his ears letting out a whine and the salty droplets fell down rosy cheeks.

Checo who had gone to get Max some juice rushed immediately to the toddler's side. "Hey hey hey, Max, amor, it's okay. Does it hurt?" he asked, trying to comfort the distressed child who nodded. "Ay chiquito, it'll pass I promise." (Ohlittle one.)

As the plane continued its journey, the cries of a distressed Max gradually subsided. Exhausted from the emotional turmoil and the discomfort of the pressure change, the de-aged racer finally succumbed to sleep on Checo's lap leaving his shirt damp with tears.

Sergio gazed down at the peacefully sleeping child in his arms and he shifted slightly, ensuring Max was comfortably nestled against him opted for taking a nap of his own with the rhythmic hum of the plane's engines becoming a lullaby, coaxing them both into a much-needed reprieve from the challenges of the day.

Checo stirred from his light slumber, feeling a small, persistent pat on his face. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, he found himself face to face with the wide-eyed gaze of Max Verstappen. The realization dawned that they were still on the plane, the ambient light hinting at the early morning hours.

With a gentle smile, Checo whispered, "Hey, Max, your ears still hurt?" the Mexican pointed at his own ears trying to make his point across and seemingly succeeding when a firm shaking from Max's head indicated that the sleep had brought some relief from the earlier distress, "That's good mate, really good."

However, Max's attention had swiftly shifted to the more pressing matters of boredom and hunger. The insistent patting continued, accompanied by a word or two in Dutch that he couldn't quite understand, thankfully Max speaking with his hands seemed to be a trait present in young Max as well, so, the message was clear enough– Max wanted to move, play, and, if possible, enjoy a snack.

Checo carefully shifted Max from his lap, allowing the child to stretch his legs. "Alright, Max, let's see what we can find to eat, and then we can play a bit," Checo suggested speaking low and putting a finger over his mouth, "but we have to be quiet okay? because Papa and Toto are sleeping." he looked at the pair and then back at Max.

"Shhh..." With a playful smile Max copied his Checo's finger over the mouth showing he understood.

There we go another bit.
This might all feel a little slow rn but I promise it'll pick up the pace once all the pieces are in place.

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