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In a world where de-aging is not that odd of a thing, Max Verstappen gets de-aged into a 3-year-old who barely speaks any English and mainly communicates Dutch somewhat decently.

From the study of different registered cases scientists have concluded these kinds of transformation are harmless and temporary, it happens when someone who has past trauma in need of healing finds themselves in a secure mind-frame to finally affront it.

Max, as is no secret to anyone, has a fair share of childhood trauma, but lately, he finds himself content and settled in the life he has made for himself, with his career, and his Schatje. 

Checo finds himself with a child version of his boyfriend he can barely communicate with and gets scared easily specially by loud voices, it seems the only thing the now kid is sure of is: Checo, Checo is safe.

With a blurry mix of his grown-up memories and early childhood Max navigates life as a 3-year-old who refuses to leave his Checo's side more than he has to.

Max thinks Christian Horner is his papa and the Brit takes onto the role like he was made for it, it's not like he'd been parenting the blond since he was 17, right? So, Christian along with his husband Toto and Checo share guardianship over the young Max.

Checo while having a great season tries to help and take care of this de-aged Max as best he can so he can heal and all but really he just wants his grown-up boyfriend back.

While Max is de-aged Daniel Ricciardo takes his place on the grid driving as Red Bull's second car and Checo's teammate.


(This will be a sickeningly sweet story with its little bits of drama but mostly about healing comfort and love, m'kay? And of course it's not real just loosely based on reality, it isn't meant to offend anyone, it's just a work of fiction, bla bla bla disclaimer, don't like don't read and all that jazz, yes?
I do not speak Dutch, German or Italian and my French is way to basic, translations come from the internets, if you do and I fuck up feel free to correct me.

It will be updated when it is updated and if anyone reads this and wants to do edits for it on TikTok that's cool cuz I suck at it just lemme know.)

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