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The girl submerged herself and her board under the coming wave, deciding to let it pass over her. Her eyes shut at the force of the wave as she waited to come back to the surface. Feeling the wave pass, she tilted her board up, letting her body follow it as she resurfaced.

She opened her eyes and quickly wiped them of the salt water that was clinging to her lashes. She sat on the surfboard as she waited for another wave. The sunrise was finally at its peak, lighting the ocean of its hues of orange and yellow. It was breathtaking. Alex breathed in the air, the salty and fresh odour filling her nostrils.

"Perfect.." Was the only thing she could say as she let a smile take over her face. Summer had finally started, school was out and surf competitions were starting.

Alex spotted the perfect wave coming her way. She started paddling towards it, using her left hand to turn herself around as her right hand did the work of moving on the water. She twisted her head to look back at the incoming wave. She paddled a few more times as the wave approached before getting ready to get up, she moved her hands that gripped the side of the board to the top, her fingers grazing the wax.

She pushed herself up as she rides the wave, her feet riding their position. Her arms find their center of balance as she glides along the face. Alex switches from a trim to perform some frontside airs to finish the wave as it breaks.

She jumps off the board, letting her weight bring her under the water. She gets back on her board, her legs on each side.

"That was wicked!" She turns her head to see a top of pink hair. It was the new guy that moved to Shorehaven a couple months ago.

"Thanks." She smirked as she pushed back her wet hair. Alex watched as he paddled out further towards her direction.

"You got some moves." He smirked as he approached her. "Bax." He introduced himself.

"Alex." She nodded in his direction. "First time I see you out in the waves this early." She remarked as she fixed the strap of her leash on her ankle, it had loosened during her last air.

"It's summer now, what better way than to start a day with a surf?" He replied as he paddled past her and began to look for a wave to ride. Alex hummed as she watched him do his thing on the waves, her eyebrows rose in surprise at his skill.

"Damnnnn, look who's got moves!" She clapped as he finished his wave. "Impressive, Pinkberry."

"Pinkberry?" He questioned as he paddled closer. She motioned to her hair as a way of hinting at his pink hair. He nods in realization. "Ahh, Pinkberry. Never heard that one yet." He grinned at her.

"Always sumn' new." She winked as she paddled towards shore, leaving him in the water. "I'll let you have your turn now." She gave him a thumbs up as she didn't look back. He smirked before paddling back towards the waves, looking back once more at her.

She got off the board and picked it up as she reached the sand. She set her board down next to her stuff before taking the leash off of her ankle. She took her towel to dry off, sitting down on her board to watch the waves which were occupied by the pink haired male.

𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎 𝚃𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚜 | ʙᴀxᴛᴇʀ ʀᴀᴅɪᴄ |Where stories live. Discover now