Your fantasies P2

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I was seating on the bed hoping she would walk through the door and tell me she misses me but she didn't. I know she was about my actions she didn't even take her pjs. I'm the one that's missing her, since it's very late I'm hoping she's sleeping now
I quietly went to the guest room and she was laying down on the bed with covers over her head, she always says she it makes her sleep better. I was debating if I should lay next to her or let her be, but I wanted to lay next to her, I hate when we argue, gosh I'm so sorry.
I walked over to the bed and I could hear her snoring a little. I felt butterflies in my stomach I was nervous I didn't want her to kick me out of the room
I lifted the covers and just laid next to her
You: mhmm *snore*

Mins passed and I was starting to fall asleep, but I felt Iris move over and she laid on top of me, I was surprised, was she aware of her actions or was she just sleeping.
You: don't get your hopes up I'm just trying to get a goodnight sleep *sleepy voice*
Me: I'm sor-
You: don't ruin my sleep you already did enough
Me: *sigh* goodnight Iris
You: mhm
I rubbed her waist while my other was playing with her hair.
You: *snore*
I smiled to myself she's so cute, I looked down and she had a little smile on her face.
Me: *whisper* so freaking adorable

I woke up from my sleep and Iris was still on me she had her face in my neck and she was straddling me. How can she sleep like that. I hugged her and gently squeezed her.
You: s-stop
You: why did you wake me up aidennnn *whimper* get outtt
She got off me and buried herself under the blankets

You: going out today will be back late
Aiden: w-what?
You: you heard me I'll be back late
Aiden: why are you acting like this
You: aiden get out please now please
He got off the bed walked out with anger but I didn't care, I need to find a way to move on I can't keep focusing on aiden I need to take care of myself too. I went back to sleep for another 2 hours

I woke up feeling sooo down I couldn't even look at my phone. I wanted to go out but I was not in the right mood so I just thought I'll just have a movie-night with myself. I was hungry so I went to the kitchen and Aiden was setting on the kitchen counter
Aiden: uhm good morning
I acted like I didn't hear anything, I could feel the tension and he was mad
Aiden: why are you still mad
I made my sandwich and went back to the guest room

I watched as Iris walked back to the guest room,I wanted to talk but I guess she didn't, I continued scrolling on my phone when a message popped up 
??: wanna link now? I'm free
I bit my bit and was still thinking
??: yes or no?? If you want I'll be at the local mall in my area
I shouted trying to let Iris know gosh I hated this
I got in my car and went to the mall.

??: damn why you not happy to see me
Me: I'm here am I not
??: but you l-
Me: hi hi don't worry about me
??: ok can we go to my place Aiden
Me: damn again
??: *blush* I miss you aiden
She pulled me closer and was about to kiss me but she stop and looked behind me. I turned around and it was Iris and she was wearing this. Showing of her amazing body

You: you fucking ungrateful bastard you never fucking learn are you kidding me Me: Iris stop we're in public You: I don't GIVE A SHITTT AIDEN you- you- Me: gosh can you fucking stop acting like a spoiled brat, you're making a scene and go home it'...

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

You: you fucking ungrateful bastard you never fucking learn are you kidding me
Me: Iris stop we're in public
You: I don't GIVE A SHITTT AIDEN you- you-
Me: gosh can you fucking stop acting like a spoiled brat, you're making a scene and go home it's not even a big deal she's just a friend
You:.... you fucking asshole ohh I fucking hate you
She slapped me across my face and gosh that shit was painful. I really made everything ten times worse. She looked at the girl and rolled her eyes, she got in her car and pulled off.

??: baby mama??
Me: nah I um I gotta go
??: whatt no you just got here
Me: sorry
I got in my car and followed her back home. She was speeding like crazy and running red lights. I'm sure she's going to fuck me up.
Mins later we both pulled in the driveway and she got out the car.
Me: Iris
She stood in her tracks and looked at me with glossy eyes
You: what did I do to you that made you do this to me *cries* I trusted you with EVERYTHING
She continued and went in the house she removed her shoes and she got back to her normal height.
You: I'm trying my best to convince myself that you're a good man but I think we definitely were better of as friends Aiden
Me: I'm not breaking up with you Iris I love you
You: your actions says otherwise why can't you just love me what does she have that I don't huh tell me
Me: I don't know *whisper*
You: fuck I hate this so much we were doing so fucking good, I finally felt like I found my person.... Aiden if you feel like that girl is the one for you then go to her, she's pretty, thick and tall. *cry*
Me: I don't love her Iris I love you I know I messed up out can you give me another chance and I'll do better
You: noo aiden I can't, I'm not a game that you can play *cry* I have feeling too
Me: I'm sorry Iris I really am I promise I wont break your heart again

End of chapter see yall next chapter

🤞🏽My boy best friend🤞🏽Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora