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Month later
I woke up with a really sore throat, I wanted to cry because I had work at 7. Me and aiden talked it out and we're cool now but hes still bothered but it. I went on my phone and Aiden call me right away because he knew what time I wake up.

The call

You: hiii

Aiden: woow what's wrong with your voice sunshine

You: my throat hurts

Aiden: you was sucking dick huh, first time? *Laugh*

You: no I wasn't Aiden stop

Aiden: want me to call in sick for you

You: I would really Appreciate it thank you

Aiden: ok will do it right now and I'll be there in a min

You: for what

Aiden: i don't know I'm bored

You: ok it's fine

End of call

He hung up the phone and I went back to sleep because my head started to hurt.
I slept for a while then I felt someone jump on my bed and I immediately knew it was Aiden. Has a spare key so that's how he was able to get in

You: Aidennnn shut up you're so loud for what
Aiden: wake uppp
He came to my side and dragged me out of bed
(Me personally I wouldnt let the slide)
We got to the kitchen and he set me on the kitchen table.
Aiden: lemons
He cut up a piece of lemon and made me eat it
Aiden: eat it Iris
You: you know how sour that is
Aiden: Bro just eat it i don't wanna be sick too
You: *cough cough* no, it's so sour tho
Aiden: i know but just do it
I took the lemon and chewed it, it tasted very sour ( duh)
You: ok is that all
Aiden: yes
He walked over to his ps5 that he kept at my house because everytime he had to bring it over here.
Aiden: wanna play
You: no I don't know how to
Aiden: I'll teach you

I set next to him and he handed me that controller and explained everything.
Aiden: so when you move this it's moves to where you wanna look if it makes sense. So you just do it like this
He put his hands over mine and his fingers over mine. I mean he is just my bestie but he has really big hands.
Aiden: you got it
You: huh ohh ya ya I got it
I didn't even hear anything he said
Aiden: you didn't get it did you *laugh*
You: don't laugh at me
I went on my phone and he continued
You: *cough cough*
Aiden: you really need to see a doctor
You: I did you idiot he gave me pills but I can't take them
Aiden: why not
You: I'm taking the natural way... death
Aiden: *laugh* take your pills Iris
Aiden: anyway wanna go to the mall
You: no I wanna stay home
Aiden: we can do to a drive in theatre
You: mhm what we watching
Aiden: a Horror movieee
You: no it's too scary
Aiden: I'll let you hold my hand bro come on you're always home
You: but I hate horror movies
Aiden: but you'll love this one comeee on
You: ok ok fine what time
Aiden: Night time is better I think, maybe around 10-11 pm
You: ok it's fine
I couldn't stop looking at him, If he finds out I have a fat crush on him, I'm done.

Skip at night
Aiden was laying on my bed and I was getting ready in the bathroom
Aiden: why do you keep your bras under your pillow
I ran to bathroom and he was holding up my bras, my eyes widened and my face got very red from embarrassment
You: AIDENNN stopppppp
I snatched them away from him and put them in my drawer

Aiden pov
I was laying on top of Iris's bed when I felt something under her pillow. I removed it and my eyes widened. I saw her bras and they were very big cups double d's maybe. I knew she had boobs but not this big, I licked my lips and decided to tease her a little bit.
Me: why do you keep your bras under your pillow
She came in a rush and took them away from me, the look on her face was very... cute. I promise I don't like her like that... I guess.

🤞🏽My boy best friend🤞🏽Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ